Exclusive Interview with Luis de la Fuente: Spanish Coach Analyzes National Team and Euro Cup Expectations

Luis de la Fuente, Spanish coach, He went through ‘Movistar Plus’ to analyze in an exclusive interview what can be expected from the national team in the Euro Cup. The coach also spoke about the pre-list that he will give next Monday, stating that he will call up more than 26 players although later there are discards.

Regarding proper names, although he did not confirm that If Isco had not been injured he would be a permanent fixture, he did affirm that he was one of those footballers with many possibilities due to his high level. About PedriLuis de la Fuente left unknowns although he also recognizes that “there are footballers who are worth betting on.”

Closed list?: “In my mind I have had it for a long time. There are going to be more 26-year-old players because we are seeing setbacks, it is becoming a very long season.”

Verbal agreement to renew your contract: “There is a very good will on both sides and it will be announced before the concentration begins for sure. If I renew, when I sign, it will be done in the most legitimate way that can be done.”

Del Bosque’s work in the RFEF: “I don’t know what Vicente del Bosque is going to do, I say it with all the affection, but I really don’t know what he is going to do. Whatever Vicente does, I am very calm, because it will be good for Spanish football. With Vicente there is no problem, quite the opposite.

Xavi’s situation at Barça: “I have a good personal and professional relationship with Xavi, but we haven’t talked about these issues. I’m interested because I want things to go as well as possible for the people I appreciate.”

A turbulent year in the RFEF: “It has been a very difficult year, where I have had to deal with situations that do not concern me. I am a coach and I want to dedicate myself to football and be accountable for the results. It has not been pleasant at all. We have shown great professionalism and we have done a job so that the players feel comfortable.

RFEF Spokesperson: “Because I am what I am, but I should focus only on football. There are situations that are not my responsibility.”

Thinking about leaving your position: No no no. I’ve never thought about it.”

The worst moment: “Gavi’s injury was a blow. He had a very important influence in the group. That day that happened, in the locker room it was very hard and difficult.”

Dormund without options against Madrid?: “Hopefully Dortmund has no options and Madrid wins the Champions League. I see Madrid very well, with confidence and security. Madrid has a guarantee in these types of games. If someone from Madrid has to come, that competitive hunger is good and we celebrate that a Spanish team is in a position to win something as important as winning the Champions League again.”

Ancelotti, personally, but it has transformed the history of Atlético.”

Who is the best player in the world?: “I don’t like to follow the flow of that single thought. I really like Bellingham’s style and I think I would vote for him now as the best in the world.”

The Euro Cup, how he faces it: “Pretty calm. We have quite controlled the purely footballing thing. Everything that is controllable we have it under control. There is one thing that does worry me, which is the footballers. In recent weeks we have seen many setbacks, injuries, players who could be there and not “They are… That’s what makes me worried, the rest is football. I want to be in the dynamics of the Euro Cup.”

Isco: “Confirming that he was going to go did not confirm anything. He was one of the players who had a lot of possibilities because he was doing well. He was in an exceptional moment. I have spoken with him, and with Gayá too, who was another one who was in our plans” .

The list: We will call more than 26 players, to have covered all the situations that may happen on this last day. Between 29 and 31 players. All those who come will accept that role without problems of being left out. “If I see that a player doesn’t fit into the team effort, in a selection situation where everyone is top, if you don’t accept that maybe you don’t play or are on the bench, you can be left out.”

Pedri: “I am a fan of Pedri, a supporter, I have proven it. He debuted with me when he was 17 years old in the under-21 team. I have always bet on him. I wish that Pedri meets Pedri, that he gains the confidence to feel like a footballer again. Pedri is the type of footballer who never fails. He has all the virtues I demand and the talent. There are footballers who are worth betting on, but that said, he has a lot of competition and we don’t know what will happen this weekend. the pre-list, in those days before we give the final one, we have to see how we see him.

The clubs ask that if they go to the Euro Cup they do not go to the Olympics: “Good footballers have to be in all the events, because the selectors have to try to bring the best. We always think about the health of the players as a priority. Good footballers are those who play all the games all year round. It’s easy question ‘after the fact’, decisions have to be made beforehand. You have to talk to the footballer, and the priority is that he wants to do the Euro Cup and the Olympics. “There is a lot of dialogue here.”

Morata: “Sometimes injustices are committed and I think that an injustice was being committed with him. He is an example of a professional, a teammate, of pride, of feeling the colors. Morata, for me, is essential. In the last game at the Bernabéu he They whistled. With Luis Enrique as coach, Luis Enrique also had to break the bank for him.”

The star of the selection: “It’s the team. The titles are won by the teams. We would be wrong if we put that on Lamine Yamal. With his age we have to be very cautious. The first to praise him now will be the first to beat him when he is bad moments. We don’t help him much if we spend all day praising him and telling him that he is gifted.

Favorite ranking: “We feel ready to fight for the Euro Cup, that doesn’t mean we’re going to win it. Maybe we don’t have such important individual qualities, but we are stronger as a team.”

Revalidation in Las Rozas after the prelist?: “I have a clear idea, if I had had to give 26 a week ago I would have already given it. In Las Rozas they are not going to have to prove anything, if they come it is because they are very good. This weekend is key in case anyone gets injured, let’s hope not.”

Continuous list: “The good news is that we have a group, a very well-armed team. For me it will not be a surprise, but surely someone will be surprised or will say that someone is missing.”

Saudi League matches: “I have seen all the games that the players who could be in the national team have played. The Arabian League is a great unknown, it has nothing to do with the league from years ago. It is better for performance to play 90 minutes every three days at whatever level you play a little or one game a month.

How to make a list: “I contemplate many scenarios and one of them is that he may not have many minutes in his club but that every time he goes out he turns it around. Joselu? Could it be?”

Fermin: “He is doing very well and has surprised us all in this short space as a professional. And most importantly, how he is finishing the season.”

Brahim: “I did what I had to do. Pre-select him whenever I could. Both the RFEF and I have acted with impeccable behavior with Brahim and all the players, from a parameter of equality. First you have to want to come and then be selected. Yes you want to come, the doors of the national team are open”.

Mbappé: “If it’s not Mbappé it’s Keane and if not Cristiano. France has a lead… they are ‘knives’ although that team also has weak points.”

Mbappé in Madrid: “In my team I would put him on the wings, but he is very good. Good footballers fit in. He is very good. I am sure he is going to have a great Euro Cup. The best scenario for a footballer is a Euro Cup or a World Cup.”

How Spain is going to play: “My idea is to see a very versatile team. I like football with many variations, I like the purest extremes, breadth, depth, reaching the area with fewer attacks… that is the theory. Then the games take you through a one way or another. Above all, trying to get the most out of players of different profiles. We can propose different ways of playing.

Message to the fans: “That there are 48 million players, that they put on the shirt and support us in the bad times, which there will be. That we continue to keep faith in this team.”

2024-05-23 19:57:15
#Pedri #footballers #worth #betting


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