Covilhã Desportiva Kicks Off with Regional Walking Football Meeting and More Exciting Events

The Regional Walking Football Meeting, which took place this morning at the Covilhã Sports Complex, opened the 2024 edition of Covilhã Desportiva with a flourish, an event that runs until next Sunday.

Six teams participated in the meeting, representing Covilhã, Belmonte, Fundão, Castelo Branco, Vila de Rei and Oleiros.

Football takes place “at pace” within the four lines, but the emotion is nothing like the traditional one. Every goal, every shot, every play is celebrated by the 5 on the field and the 9 on the bench.

If the limitations of age prevent us from playing at the pace that football has accustomed us to, here, the difficulty for some, such is the excitement, and slowing down the pace and walking. For others, this is the characteristic that allows them to make their lifelong dream come true. Play soccer.

The teams are mixed and, both men and women, forget the result in the end and the interaction between teams should be an example to follow.

José Miguel Oliveira, councilor responsible for sport at Covilhã City Council, highlights that this is a sport that is taking its first steps, but it is “fantastic to see” the way it is developing.

He highlights that this is another way of playing football in Covilhã and the idea is that there will be more and more teams and that there can even be a championship in the future.

Inserted in “Covilhã Desportiva”, on the 24th, Friday, the 1st National Meeting of Diabetes in Movement will take place, which will feature a walk, exercise class and healthy lunch, with the participation of 850 people from 33 different delegations.

Also on the 24th, the highlight will be the official opening ceremony, which will feature a parade from all participating associations.

On Saturday, the 25th, highlight the holding of a conversation session on “Ethics, Sports, Health and Mountains” taking place outside the ANIL Pavilion.

On this day there will be demonstrations of sports such as Multiball, Cage, Hockey, Caurlig, Karate, Powerlifting, Laser Run, Fencing, Bridge, Zumba, Senior Gymnastics, Figure Skating, Judo, T’ai Chi Chuan, Weapons and various screenings, distributed throughout the locations of the event.

There will also be demonstrations of wheelchair basketball and adventure sports, as well as table football, handball, basketball, volleyball, checkers and street football tournaments.

The Color Run & DJ Party, on Saturday at 8:30 pm, concludes the day’s program.

On Sunday, highlights include the walk along the Porta da Estrela Route and the Solta o Javali Trail. A day that will be dedicated to “Sports on Wheels” with cycle tourism, motorbike tours, Cyclig classes, Trial Bike, Inline Skating and a children’s bike ride for parents and children.

For children and families, there will be yoga classes, sports games and various games between 10:00 and 14:00.

The event is scheduled to end at 4:00 pm.

2024-05-22 12:40:04
#Walking #Football #opens #flourish #edition #Covilhã #Desportiva


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