Argentine Parabadminton Kicks Off National Circuit in Santa Teresita

Argentine parabadminton had its season start with the first stage of the National Circuit in the spa city of Santa Teresita, Buenos Aires.

“We are very happy, the tournament went very well. It is the first time it has been organized in the Partido de la Costa, an excellent experience,” Facundo Javier, national technical director and one of the organizers of the event, told Paradeportes. In 2023, the coach provided training to coaches and players from that town, which resulted in the creation of a para-badminton school.

The champions in the singles category were: Lucas Díaz Aspiroz (WH1), Luciano Duarte (WH2 men), Ruth Vicente (WH2 women), Jonathan Torres (SL4), Jonatan Mattos (SH6 men) and Jazmín Bacci (SH6 women).

In the doubles, those who raised the cup were the following pairs: Diego Moliner-Ruth Vicente (mixed WH1-2), Lucas Díaz Aspiroz-Ignacio Rabinovich (men’s WH1-2) and Jonathan Torres-Jonatan Mattos (SL4-SH6).

The next national stage of this sport that is in full expansion will be in Buenos Aires.

2024-05-22 13:22:05


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