Controversy Erupts as Hernández de La Plata Club Expelled from Río de la Plata Coastal League Despite Approval of External Capital

Not even 24 hours had passed since the Hernández de La Plata club announced that the assembly had approved the possibility of external capital investing in the institution when it was informed that it had been expelled from the Río de la Plata Coastal League.

On Friday night, Daniel Scioli and Julio Garro celebrated on social media that the club approved the entry of private contributions under the modality of a Sports Joint Stock Company (SAD). However, on Saturday many kids who went to play their game against Atalaya returned home without playing. The club had been disaffiliated from the league.

The disaffiliation sparks a strong controversy over its legality. Perhaps understanding what was coming, the club itself had clarified that according to current regulations it could not be expelled from the League.

However, as the hours passed, the tournament authorities themselves decided to take the opposite path and exclude the Hernández club.

Scioli congratulated Verón and Augusto Costa came to the crossroads, filtering the controversy over the SAD

The institution expressed in a statement that it was “a discriminatory and humiliating act towards the 60 minors who make up the fourth, fifth and sixth youth divisions.”

The league authorities decided to disaffiliate Hernández from the tournament based on the decision made by the last AFA assembly in which a rejection of the incorporation of the SAD was established.

This Monday, the lawyer representing the club Fabián Améndola – partner of Fernando Burlando – said that he is working on gathering evidence to present the appeal for protection in court and questioned the fact that the league did not send a formal notification and left the boys without the possibility of playing after a long trip to Atalaya.

The boys returning with their clothes on but unable to play. They sent them back to the Club. It’s a scandal. The members elect freely in the assembly and are punished with expulsion.

In statements to 0221, Améndola stated that the AFA “may have committed the crime of coercion.” As she explained, in the midst of the dispute between the most important entity in Argentine soccer and the national government, the directors of the Río de la Plata Coastal League may have acted “under pressure.”

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As soon as the club’s suspension became known, Garro charged hard on the networks against the tournament directors. “The boys came back with their clothes on but without being able to play. They sent them back to the Club. It’s a scandal,” he said and continued: “the clubs have rights and are endorsed by the DNU to be free and choose the type of administration they The members choose freely in the assembly and are punished with expulsion. “This is shameful.”

2024-05-14 00:38:52
#club #Plata #SAD #hours #expelled #championship


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