Celebrity Match Set to Make Waves on Coaticook Big Bill Calendar

BASEBALL. Big news on the Coaticook Big Bill calendar this season. The team will face the friends of its co-owner, comedian Philippe Laprise, during a Celebrity Match, which will take place on June 1st.

Within the Bravad team, sponsor of the event, we will find among others Pierre Hébert, Jean-Michel Anctil and Maxim Martin. The other members will be announced over the coming days. “It was really easy to convince them to join us for the event. They are all people who love baseball. They are also athletes who like to win. Honestly, though, we’re definitely going to get destroyed by Big Bill. But the important thing is that the crowd has fun,” laughs Philippe Laprise.

The latter had the idea of ​​such a meeting last year. Arriving in the middle of the season, the new co-owner had to wait a while before this project saw the light of day. “The goal is to organize a fundraiser for baseball in Coaticook. We want to seek funds, yes, for the Big Bill, but also for the Minor Baseball Association, for our young people. »

Since this is a first, the organization does not have a specific objective. “I think we can just be proud to have put this together. If I had a full stadium, it would be completely skipped. This Celebrity Match is also a way to thank the people of Coaticook, who have been fans of the team for a long time. »

Other initiatives, such as the Family Match, will be announced later this season. “There are a lot of ideas swirling around in my head,” says Mr. Laprise.

Tickets, costing $20 in advance, are available on the lepointdevente.com website. The meeting will begin at 1 p.m.


In his second season as co-owner of the Big Bill in Coaticook, Philippe Laprise says he is proud of his team, which is having a “very good start to the season”. “I am very satisfied with what I see on the ground. The additions we made motivated the former players. Our draft picks also help give more punch to our offense and defense. I also sense extraordinary enthusiasm in the room. »

“There’s also something happening in the stadium,” he continues. When I talk to people, I feel an excitement. What I want is for Big Bill to regain his nobility. When we arrive in another market, I don’t like to hear that it’s going to be relaxed tonight because we’re in town. I heard it last year and that’s it. »

What about a championship? “I wouldn’t go that far this year, but one thing is certain, I think we will go far in the playoffs,” concludes the co-owner.

2024-05-23 20:39:24
#Celebrity #match #Philippe #Laprises #friends #face #Coaticooks #Big #Bill


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