Football: Italian, ‘It was a battle, we still have energy’

23-05-2024 – 23:45

(ANSA) – ROME, MAY 23 – “Now we’re thinking about the Conference final, but this victory is a good sign: Fiorentina didn’t play their best match of the season, but I really liked the reaction.” Thus the Fiorentina coach Vincenzo Italiano after the match against Cagliari. “We didn’t enter the second half with the right spirit. We woke up with the two-to-one goal. But we are at the end of a really long season. And it was a match in which Cagliari fought until the end. We didn’t have given up though. And this means we still have a lot of energy.” (HANDLE).

23-05-2024 – 23:45

2024-05-23 21:56:31
#Football #Italian #battle #energy


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