The Rise and Fall of Karrion Kross in WWE: A Look at His Recent Defeat and Unique Techniques

The Rise and Fall of Karrion Kross in WWE: A Look at His Recent Defeat and Unique Techniques

Neither under the regime of Vince McMahon nor under that of Triple H is Karrion Kross being able to get the best out of himself. The Final Testament faction is only taking its first steps and it is possible that in a while it will be a success but they suffered a defeat against The Pride at WrestleMania XL that made them look tremendously weak. Furthermore, although these types of statements are not usually taken into account, Kross promised before the event that they were going to steal the show and nothing could be further from the truth. His fight passed without pain or glory.

► The ankle lock by Karrion Cross

Soon we will see what’s next for him, AOP, Paul Ellering and Scarlett in WWE. Meanwhile, we stop at a recent video that the fighter has published on social networks that he is causing a lot to talk about because breaks a baseball bat with the shovel ankle lock. There is a lot to talk about, both positively and negatively, as there is no shortage of those who question the hardness of the bat.

«Yes, I will continue doing doubles.
But for now;
Breaking another baseball bat using the ankle lock technique.

I think some people missed the point of the first demo.
The type of bat is not relevant.

• TRUST your technique! •

Practice how you play, understand and use the mechanics correctly; As in any aspect of life, it will provide you with the result you are looking for.

Base, lever, fulcrum, physics!
If you decide to try it, keep the safety measures in mind. Please also take care of your face.

I never raise my voice, and I accidentally scared my wife, so make sure you don’t do the same haha!

It could be interesting if in WWE he began to “injure” his opponents with those types of levers. What would you like to see next for Karrion Kross?

2024-04-11 18:42:33
#Karrion #Kross #breaks #bate #con #ankle #lock


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