Successful Interclub Judo Tournament in Châteauneuf-sur-Loire: 234 Young Athletes Showcase Fair Play

Châteauneuf-sur-Loire. 234 young people participated in the interclub judo tournament. Organized by the Castelneuvien Judo club, Saturday at the Lièvre-d’Or gymnasium, the interclub tournament brought together twenty-one structures from the Loiret. Encouraged by families and friends, the judokas, boys and girls, aged 8 to 12, fought several fights with fair play.

The idea of ​​this tournament, without any qualification issues, is to allow young athletes to meet and have fun. The day before, as is tradition, all club members and their loved ones met at the intercommunal sports hall for joint training.

A special moment to share or transmit your passion. The opportunity, also, for the children, to interact in a friendly manner with their elders and their teachers, in a friendly atmosphere.

2024-04-10 04:11:22
#young #people #interclub #judo #tournament


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