Rocha’s rivals to be president of the RFEF are the TAD and FIFA

Rocha’s rivals to be president of the RFEF are the TAD and FIFA

Pedro Rocha will be president of the Royal Spanish Football Federation if nothing strange happens. Better said, if the Sports Administrative Court (TAD) or FIFA do not decide otherwise. Why The president of the Extremadura Football Federation has garnered more than 90 endorsements for his candidacy, which has caused other possible candidates who were waiting in hiding, or even still waiting for a judicial resolution contrary to the ‘dolphin’ of Luis Rubiales, to have not finalized their candidacy. Yes, Carlos Herrera has done it, but he has barely been able to gather half a dozen endorsements, which are far from the 21 that he needs for his candidacy to be firm.

The members of the current assembly have made it clear that they are committed to continuity with the delivery of their endorsements. UCO investigations confirmed what lThe telephone conversations intercepted by Luis Rubiales’ right-hand man, Tomás González Cueto, that appear in the summary of the Super Cup case show his internal movements with the Higher Sports Council to favor the president of the RFEF management company in his electoral ambition. That would confirm the interest of Rubiales and his advisors in keeping Rocha in the presidential chair of Spanish football. It must be remembered that Rubiales has been disqualified by FIFA for three years and now faces the decision regarding the alleged sexual assault of Jennifer Hermoso, in addition to the charges for the Super Cup case.

The CSD and its complicity with FIFA

The CSD, through its president, José Manuel Rodríguez Uribes, has contacted FIFA, with whom it has met to notify the status of the investigation into Rubiales and the possible ramifications that affect Rocha.. The Government wants to cooperate with FIFA, which does not accept interference from the different states in football management. But FIFA’s decision to disqualify Rubiales was a breath of fresh air for the Government, by removing the former president of the RFEF from the scene, and now the situation with Rocha could be repeated. FIFA could even intervene in the Football Federation for six months, something that is not frowned upon by the CSD if Rocha persists in his desire to become the next president of the RFEF.

Rocha’s extra-sports agenda this week is full of milestones. On Thursday, a priori, the Administrative Court of Sports (TAD) must resolve on the proposal to open a file against him for exceeding his duties as president of the management company during all these months. This is a complaint that Miguel Galán, president of the Cenafe coaching school, sent to the CSD and which in turn sent it to the TAD for analysis. If the TAD opened a file against him for the alleged commission of a very serious infraction, the CSD board of directors could provisionally suspend him., something that due to the calendar is difficult to occur before Monday. In any case, a hypothetical suspension would not prevent him from continuing his race towards the presidency, something that would only be stopped if the TAD decided to disqualify him after deciding on the merits of the issue, within weeks.

The TAD also has on the table a challenge to the RFEF electoral call, also presented by Galán. The great federative scourge is based on the fact that the composition of the assembly does not comply with the gender equality requirements established by the most recent regulations and on the failure to hold partial elections to replace the assembly members who no longer meet the requirements. to be, like the former selectors Luis Enrique and Jorge Vilda, about 40 people in total.

Pedro Rocha, current president of the RFEF management company; Luis Rubiales, former president of the RFEF; and Andreu Camps, who was his right-hand man. / RFEF

The TAD has the obligation to resolve this challenge this Friday at the latest, although it could take advantage of its regular meeting on Thursday to resolve the two issues presented by Galán. The mess multiplies because Friday could also be the day on which Rocha is provisionally proclaimed president of the RFEF, in case, as seems evident, he is the only candidate. A hypothetical proclamation that Galán plans to challenge.

And in the meantime administrative procedure, On the same Friday, Rocha will have to testify as a witness before the judge of the Super Cup case, Delia Rodrigo. The judge summoned him this Tuesday, as he was a leader who held the economic vice presidency of the RFEF during several of the years in which the Rubiales plot allegedly collected illegal commissions from contracts signed by the RFEF with third parties.

2024-04-10 07:14:42
#Rochas #rivals #president #RFEF #TAD #FIFA


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