Tankathon 2024: NBA Franchises Eyeing the Lottery for Future Talent

Tankathon 2024: NBA Franchises Eyeing the Lottery for Future Talent

Only a few days left of regularity, and at the very bottom of the NBA rankings some NBA franchises have only one word left on their lips: the Lottery. Recovering talents for the future is the idea, and for that you have to… lose, lose as much as possible. Welcome to this morning article where we will only talk to you about lose and the future, from Washington to San Antonio via Portland or Detroit, Charlotte or Memphis. And at the end of the tunnel? A new French crack, perhaps, and last night all the dunces managed their business… except Toronto.

The results of the night

  • Hornets – Mavericks : 104-130 (stats)
  • Sixers – Pistons : 120-102 (stats)
  • Raptors – Pacers : 123-140 (stats)
  • Hawks – Heat : 111-117 (stats)
  • Bucks – Celtics : 104-91 (stats)
  • Bulls – Knicks : 117-128 (stats)
  • Rockets – Magic : 118-106 (stats)
  • Grizzlies – Spurs : 87-102 (stats)
  • Wolves – Wizards : 130-121 (stats)
  • Thunder – Kings : 112-105 (stats)
  • Jazz – Nuggets : 95-111 (stats)
  • Lakers – Warriors : 120-134 (stats)
  • Suns – Clippers : 92-105 (stats)
  • Blazers – Pelicans : 100-110 (stats)

Le Tankathon 2024 :

Good operation of the day – Blazers, Jazz, Pistons, Grizzlies, Wizards

They want their last place in the West. With a completely stellar Wembanyama right now for the Spurs, the Blazers are taking advantage of this to slide within the Western Conference. By being well caught by the Pelicans last night, they are only one defeat away from their Texan rivals. We even dream of going for third place for the Hornets in Oregon, in the race for the dunce cap. Hope gives life, as Jean-Pierre Mader said. We will salute the good work of the usual dunces, Pistons, Wizards, Hornets and Grizzlies who went to get their lose. We applaud loudly! And our Jazz extended its formidable series of defeats. There are 13 jazz players, who shit in the saxophone?

Bad operation of the day – Spurs

Not smart, this regular beating of the Oursons. The Spurs had the opportunity to consolidate once and for all their last record in the West, but the French duo decided otherwise. Beware of the pursuers of Oregon, they will not be asked to steal the fourth worst record in the league. With this victory, the third worst ratio in the NBA for the Hornets disappears, synonymous with great chances of getting their hands on a pick in the top 3 in the upcoming Draft. Let’s get back together, guys. The Rockets, for their part, found nothing better to do than to go against the third in the East. All this to get noticed! In any case, as it stands, their pick will go to the lucky guys of the Thunder.

Next night’s program

  • 1h : Cavs – Grizzlies
  • 1h30 : Hawks – Hornets
  • 1h30 : Nets – Raptors
  • 1h30 : Heat – Mavericks
  • 2h : Bucks – Magic
  • 2h : Thunder – Spurs
  • 4h : Nuggets – Wolves
  • 4h30 : Clippers – Suns

Reminder regarding the Lottery:

  • Worst record in the League: 14% chance of getting the 1st Draft pick
  • 2nd worst record in the League : 14% chance
  • 3rd worst record in the League : 14% chance
  • 4th worst record in the League : 12.5% ​​chance
  • 5th worst record in the League : 10.5% chance
  • 6th worst record in the League : 9% chance
  • 7th worst record in the League : 7.5% chance
  • 8th worst record in the League : 6% chance
  • 9th worst record in the League : 4.5% chance
  • 10th worst record in the League : 3% chance
  • 11th worst record in the League : 2% chance
  • 12th worst record in the League : 1.5% chance
  • 13th worst record in the League : 1% chance
  • 14th worst record in the League : 0.5% chance

Source texte: Tankathon

2024-04-10 06:15:00
#Jazz #loses #life #depended


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