Marine Binet: From Archery Champion to Public Admissions at Competition

Marine Binet: From Archery Champion to Public Admissions at Competition

After a first year of competition, in 2023, during which she won seven competitions, was crowned champion of Brittany in nature shooting, double champion of Finistère in 3D shooting and nature shooting, and finished 7th in the French championship of 3D shooting, the Pierres standing archer, Marine Binet, begins the 2024 season with a new title: Finistère nature shooting champion. The title was acquired on Sunday March 31 at the Méros estate, in Plonévez du Faou. Like last year, Marine will aim to qualify for the French championship. “But this year it’s going to be hard. I moved from the hunting bow category to the straight bow category. The arrows are no longer made of carbon, but of wood, and their flight is different. The sensations are not the same, and it takes time to adapt,” confides the archer.

The public admitted to the competition at the beginning of October at La Pinède

In 2023, the archers of the Trégunoise association won sixteen competitions and reached the podium twelve times. “Not bad for an association of eleven members, seven of whom participate in competitions,” rejoices the president, Hervé Binet. This year, the club will organize its third friendly competition, reserved for licensees, in La Pinède, on October 5 and 6. For the first time during a range archery competition, spectators will be admitted, and will be able, in complete safety, to watch the archers release their arrows. “The archers of the Standing Stones will be available to guide them and explain the subtleties of the discipline. We are also considering setting up a discovery of instinctive archery for the public. But we lack targets. We will therefore try to get help from some local sponsors,” confides the president.


2024-04-10 08:04:26
#Trégunc #small #Pierres #Debout #archers #club #aims #high #season


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