Living Sports: The Continued Addiction of Bixente Lizarazu

Living Sports: The Continued Addiction of Bixente Lizarazu

By Elsa Girard-Basset | Web journalist

The most famous left-back in the history of the French team, and a very popular figure among both sporting and non-sporting audiences, Bixente Lizarazu returns to the forefront with his 2nd book, entitled “Vivre de sports : to stay fit “. Launched on a promotional tour in the media, he spoke in particular about the visceral need that he still has, at the age of 54.

Small in size, but immense in talent and greatness of soul. In addition to having built one of the most prestigious records in the history of French football, including a World Cup, a Euro, a Champions League and 6 German championship titles, Bixente Lizarazu is admired by all for his high-mindedness, his intelligence and his kindness.

It is no coincidence that Zinedine Zidane’s great friend succeeded in his career change, notably becoming a commentator for the French team’s matches on TF1. But almost 20 years after hanging up his crampons, “Liza” remains driven by a single obsession, vital to him: practicing sport.

Bixente Lizarazu still terribly addicted to sport

In an interview with “La Tribune du Dimanche”, he explained that he was still a fervent practitioner of various disciplines, including surfing and martial arts:

Aging is a word that is unbearable for me. I prefer to say “the passage of time”. I’m 54 years old and I still need to feel like an athlete. What helped me to cope well with this little death of retirement was to continue to do sport in relation to the hormonal aspect. Those who stop exercising overnight risk falling into depression. It’s a colossal psychological shock.

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Comments which echo those made by the man with 97 selections in the blue jersey in “Madame Figaro”. He also showed his gratitude towards his partner Claire Keim, who understands his bigorexia, that is to say his addiction to sport:

She knew me as a professional footballer, and I am lucky that she accepted my sports addiction, which, even if it is healthy, is also very time-consuming.

Besides, when I’m injured, nothing goes right, including psychologically. I need to surpass myself, to exert myself, to release the energy I have in quantity… Sport is my balance, even if the competitive spirit is less present. Today it’s about achieving personal goals and enjoying sporting outings with friends, sharing good meals after exercise.

It is therefore anything but a coincidence if in “Living sports: to stay in shape”, Lizarazu strives to give advice on how to bring your brain and the practice of physical activity into harmony. Let us also remember that sport reduces the risks of contracting many diseases, and allows you to display an impeccable physique, of which the ex-footballer is proof.

If some athletes let themselves go once retirement comes, tired of all these years of effort, Bixente Lizarazu is not one of them. Addicted to sport deep within himself, the former Bordeaux and Bayern Munich player absolutely needs it to fulfill himself and live every day. A good example to follow.

2024-04-08 07:30:00
#years #need..


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