Dynamic Basketball Exercises Bring Joy and Vitality to Children at Luwang Kindergarten

  Luwang News April 9 In order to further stimulate children’s interest in sports activities, let them feel happy and grow up healthily in sports, and enrich the co-education activities at home, on April 8, Lantian Kindergarten in Dongying District, Dongying City launched the “Dynamic Basketball Exercises, Vitality Delights Childhood” “Basketball exercise demonstration activity.

All parents are invited to participate in this basketball exercise demonstration. At the activity site, children from the small class group, the middle class group and the large class group respectively presented “Let’s Swing the Oars”, “Baby” and “Hey!” Basketball” different styles of basketball drill performances. Although the children in the small group are young, their fighting spirit is not low at all. They followed the rhythm of the music and beat the basketball, showing their infinite energy and positive spirit. The children in the middle class and large class groups were more proficient and comfortable. Their performances not only had standardized movements and rich tricks, but also reflected their love for basketball and team spirit in the details, which made the audience applaud continuously. In the end, after fierce competition, each class achieved excellent results, and awards were awarded on the spot to recognize the children’s hard work and dedication.

This activity not only demonstrated the positive spirit of children in Blue Sky Kindergarten, but also allowed every child to experience the joy and sense of achievement brought by sports. The kindergarten will continue to adhere to the concept of “let children stand in the center of the kindergarten” and carry out more colorful sports activities to lay a solid foundation for children’s healthy growth. (Correspondent Li Xiaowu Xueyan)

Editor in charge: Chen Jiquan

2024-04-10 17:34:56
#Dynamic #Basketball #Exercises #Energetic #Joyful #ChildhoodLantian #Kindergarten #Dongying #District #Dongying #City #launches #basketball #exercise #demonstration #activitiesDongying #ChannelLuwang


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