Decrease in Licensees in Nièvre: Will Paris Olympics Cause Rebound?

Decrease in Licensees in Nièvre: Will Paris Olympics Cause Rebound?

The number of licensees is decreasing in our region, as in Nièvre. Waiting for the rebound linked to the Paris Olympics?

INSEE Bourgogne-Franche-Comté has just published a study which shows that the region, with 426,000 sports licensees in 2022, ranks 9th (out of 13) among the most sporting regions in terms of number of licenses relative to the number of inhabitants ( 152 licenses per 1,000 inhabitants compared to 159 for France).

This figure also represents a drop of 4% between 2017 and 2022. A drop that can be explained by the confinements linked to the Covid epidemic, which kept people away from their sports clubs. Clubs counting on the Paris Olympics effect to attract new licensees.

premium A volunteer from Nivernais at the Paris Olympics

Unsurprisingly, the majority of licensees are young (50% are under 20 years old) and men are the majority (66%). The most practiced sports are football (22.5% of licensees), horse riding (7.5%) and tennis (6.6%).

The genders are still very present, with gymnastics being the first sport for girls under 10 and judo that for boys of the same age.

On the Nièvre side, the figures are approximately the same, with 29,863 licensees (i.e. 150 per 1,000 inhabitants), a figure down by 7% between 2017 and 2022.

2024-04-18 10:19:25
#athletes #BurgundyFrancheComté #region


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