The New Flying Balls Ozzano’s Destiny Hangs in the Balance in Serie B Playout Match

The New Flying Balls Ozzano’s Destiny Hangs in the Balance in Serie B Playout Match

In a complicated championship like that of the National Serie B, which has seen the New Flying Balls Ozzano struggling in the lower area of ​​the table for most of the months, after having secured at least the playout, the red and whites will play part of their destiny in the next match.

Yes, because Cortese and his teammates had the merit of sparking the hunt for the best position for the post-season by first beating Andrea Costa Imola in the derby, then overcoming two “big” players such as Tecnoswitch Ruvo di Puglia and Liofilchem ​​Roseto. Therefore, in the last 40′, the “field factor” of the Pala Arti Grafiche Reggiani will be able to help conclude the positive streak in the best possible way, against the Bisceglie Lions who will also be protagonists in the playouts.

REGULATIONS – The teams classified from 14th to 17th place, at the end of the qualifying phase, access the Playouts. The Playouts are structured into two rounds, the best of 5 matches (alternating home-home-away-away-home), with pairings within the individual groups. First round pairings: 14-17, 15-16. The winners of the first round are saved, the losers advance to the second round. The two losers of the last round will also be relegated to Interregional Serie B. There will be a total of 4 relegated teams in Serie B Interregional. The teams interested in avoiding relegation are already official.

CURRENT RANKING14th place: Pallacanestro Virtus Padova (24 points)15th place: Logimatic Group Ozzano (24)16th place: Lions Bisceglie (22)17th place: Civitus Allianz Vicenza (22).
At the same time, the combinations after the 34th round scheduled for Sunday 21st, at 6pm, are numerous.

Logimatic Group Ozzano-Lions Bisceglie
Civitus Allianz Vicenza-Liofilchem ​​Roseto
General Contractor Jesi-Pallacanestro Virtus Padova
Before reporting all the cases, it is important to analyze all the situations in direct clashes.

Logimatic Group Ozzano
Virtus Padova Basketball 82-51 | 87-75
Lions Bisceglie 74-63 | XX-XX
Civitus Allianz Vicenza 65-60 | 78-92
Virtus Padua Basketball
Logimatic Group Ozzano 82-51 | 87-75
Lions Bisceglie 81-92 | 78-77
Civitus Allianz Vicenza 90-73 | 67-77
Lions Bisceglie Basketball
Virtus Padova 81-92 | 78-77
Logimatic Group Ozzano 74-63 | XX-XX
Civitus Allianz Vicenza 70-73 | 68-66
Civitus Allianz Vicenza
Virtus Padova Basketball 90-73 | 67-77
Logimatic Group Ozzano 65-60 | 78-92
Lions Bisceglie 70-73 | 68-66

The separate ranking, therefore, would be the following
AVULSA RANKING: Lions Bisceglie 10* Logimatic Group Ozzano 4* Pallacanestro Virtus Padova 4 Civitus Allianz Vicenza 4
*Logimatic Group Ozzano-Lions Bisceglie to play

So, based on the result that the New Flying Balls get, this will be the next future that awaits them for the 1st round playout.
If Ozzano wins, Padova wins, Vicenza wins: Ozzano 15th vs Vicenza FIELD FACTOR
If Ozzano wins, Padova loses, Vicenza wins: Ozzano 14th vs Bisceglie FIELD FACTOR
If Ozzano wins, Padova loses, Vicenza loses: Ozzano 15th vs Bisceglie FIELD FACTOR
If Ozzano wins, Padova wins, Vicenza loses: Ozzano 15th place vs Biscelie FIELD FACTOR
If Ozzano loses, Padova loses, Vicenza loses: Ozzano 16th vs Padova
If Ozzano loses, Padova wins, Vicenza loses: Ozzano 16th vs Bisceglie
If Ozzano loses, Padova wins, Vicenza wins: Ozzano 16th vs Bisceglie
If Ozzano loses, Padova loses, Vicenza wins: Ozzano 17th vs Bisceglie

2024-04-18 09:07:32
#Serie #Ozzano #combinations #day #view #1st #playout


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