Tone your stomach and reshape your silhouette using the hypofitness method

The hypofitness method is a simple and accessible approach to tone the stomach and reshape your silhouette.

The technique is based on a sequence of postures punctuated by phases of inspiration, expiration and apnea.

Good for the body, good for the mind, this global method has proven itself.


The hypofitness method: breathing to build muscle

The hypofitness method is based on postural exercises achieved by adopting a slow, deep breathingbefore an apnea phase.

It is carried out without any contraction of either the abdominals or the perineum.

However, hypopressive gym exercises can trigger a reflex contraction of the postural muscles, particularly the transverse muscles.

However, the latter acts as a sort of natural sheath at the level of the stomach.

Result: toning the abdominal muscles provides a more toned and therefore flatter stomach, even outside of the voluntary action of pulling in the stomach.

Learn the hypofitness breathing technique in three steps

The effectiveness of the hypofitness method relies above all on good breathing technique.

Before moving on to the exercise phase, stand up and familiarize yourself with the different breathing phases by following the following step-by-step:

Inhale slowly through your nose by inflating your rib cage. The air should not be directed at your stomach. To help, place your hands on your ribs. If the inhale is done correctly, you should feel them move apart.
Exhale slowly through your mouth producing the same sound as if you were trying to fog up a window (“aaaahhh”). Try to keep the ribs open. This way, you force your abs to work in order to push the air out of your lungs. Bring the exhalation to completion. Once your lungs are completely emptied, close your mouth. Stay apnea while trying to slowly reopen your ribs, without contracting any muscles. Your stomach should be drawn naturally towards your navel. Hold the breath hold for 5 to 6 seconds to start. When you are comfortable with the hypopressive technique, you can gradually increase the duration.

Three effective hypofitness exercises to slim your stomach

Hypofitness exercise #1: in a seated position

This first exercise has the advantage of being able to be carried out absolutely anywhere.

In the morning when you wake up, during the lunch break, during a break at work, it is ideal for building muscle on a daily basis. Here’s how to do it.

Sit on the edge of a chair with your hands on your thighs. Your elbows should be bent and spread outwards. Keeping your chin parallel to the floor, stretch your head upward as if an imaginary thread is pulling you toward the ceiling. Push your elbows toward the floor. Focus on your shoulder blades. You should feel them moving apart. Inhale through your nose while opening your ribs. Exhale through your mouth. As you exhale, try to keep your ribs open. To achieve this, expand. Once the lungs are emptied of air, remain in apnea and open your ribs. Continue to push your elbows toward the floor.

Repeat the exercise 10 to 15 times.

Hypofitness exercise #2: against a wall

This second exercise is done standing up, with your buttocks leaning against a wall.

Spread your arms away from your body at around 45°, keeping them against the wall. With your head straight, your chin parallel to the ground, stretch your arms downward without changing their opening angle. Feel your shoulder blades spread apart as your head pushes back against the wall. Inhale through your nose, open your ribs. Exhale through your mouth, concentrating on keeping your ribs open. During the apnea, open your ribs and continue stretching your arms, still in their starting axis.

Perform 10 to 15 repetitions.

Hypofitness exercise #3: on all fours

Here is a third exercise to practice on the ground, in a four-legged position.

Hands under shoulders, knees under hips, hook the floor with your toes. Look towards the ground, the neck in line with the spine. In the same way as the previous exercises, inhale through your nose and open your ribs. Exhale slowly through your mouth while keeping your ribs open. At the same time, push the top of your head forward and your pelvis back. Aim to stretch your spine as much as possible, taking care not to “break” your neck. During the breath-hold phase, open your ribs without releasing the spinal stretch.

Repeat the exercise 10 to 15 times.

Hypofitness: a flat stomach, but not only that!

Hypofitness has proven itself in slimming the figure, but its benefits are not limited to toning the stomach.

According to the official French hypofitness website, this training technique based on negative pressure also offers benefits on:

Posture; The respiratory system; Injury prevention; Sexual function; Urinary function; Overall sports performance.

Regular sessions to benefit from hypofitness

If you want to slim your stomach, integrate the hypofitness method into your weekly or even daily wellness routine.

The ideal for optimal results?

Practice at least three times per weekfor example by carrying out the series of exercises presented previously.

You can also choose to do one exercise per dayensuring your session lasts at least five minutes.

Visible results in just a few weeks with the hypofitness method

By adopting the hypofitness method, the results are not long in coming. After approximately one month of regular practiceyou will already be able to notice a clear difference.

The stomach held in its natural sheath appears less relaxed, the waistline is visibly reduced.

If the benefits of the hypofitness approach quickly affect the figure, deep breathing also affects the mental well-beingallowing you to feel more peaceful on a daily basis.

More than a simple aesthetic practice, the hypofitness method therefore aims to restore a feeling of general well-beingboth physically and psychologically.

Hypofitness: watch out for contraindications!

The hypofitness method is suitable for most people.

Be careful, however, not to practice it for a pregnancyat the risk of putting the baby in danger.

Furthermore, for people withhypertensionbreathing exercises should be limited to the first phase, namely slow inhalations and exhalations.

The apnea phase is not recommended so as not to cause health problems.

Updated by Manon on: 03/28/2024

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