The PSOE ignores Sumar and publishes the rental price index in the BOE without addressing their demands

The PSOE ignores the blow on the table that Sumar gave regarding housing and ignores the request of his minority partner in the Government to negotiate some aspects of the Rental Price Indexwhich was published this Friday in the BOE without including any of the proposed changes.

Yolanda Díaz’s coalition showed enormous “worry“When the Ministry of Housing published the draft of the measure, publicly demanded to include changes it is included threatened to promote reforms in case it was not modified. The department of the socialist minister Isabel Rodriguezhowever, has ignored the request and made the text official after rejecting the changes presented by Sumar.

In total, six allegations were presented, including those of Díaz, without any of them being included, Housing sources indicate. In this way, the Official State Gazette shields, through a resolution ministerial, the same proposal that revolted two weeks ago to his government partner.


“We want to launch a notice to the PSOE and the Ministry of Housing: with the right to housing of Spaniards we cannot hesitate, we cannot fall short.” The past February 27Sumar’s parliamentary spokesperson, Inigo Errejóndedicated a press conference in the Congress of Deputies to openly criticize what was then still the draft Rental Price Indexconsidering that their ranges were too wide and that landlords were given leeway when it came to raising these prices.

At that time this regulation was entering the allegations phase, so the parliamentary spokesperson demanded that the PSOE introduce changes. “From here I want to call the Ministry of Housing to negotiate, you can still negotiate, we want them to rectify, do not fall short“continued Sumar’s parliamentary spokesperson. A request that has been ignored by the socialist wing of the Government. Yolanda Díaz’s coalition admitted the little predisposition of the PSOE to review this issue, although they carried out the procedure by presenting allegations that, however, have also been ignored.

Errejón gave extreme “priority” to this matter, ensuring that the home was going to be the “decisive combat” from Sumar this legislature. In the midst of the Koldo case, Errejón wanted to give more relevance to the rental price index and defined it as “the most important and most worrying” of the day.

The rental price index appeared in the Housing Law approved in 2023, where it was contemplated that municipalities and regions could declare themselves stressed areas to apply this price range and thus try to limit prices. However, for Sumar the new housing index “is useless” and would be “counterproductive.”

Sumar’s parliamentary spokesperson left the door open to promoting a reform in the Congress of Deputies, warning that “We reserve the right to promote any of the measures that are necessary. to guarantee a constitutional right that is not fulfilled.” A threat that remains to be seen if they will now continue to be willing to comply.

2024-03-15 10:57:09
#PSOE #ignores #Sumar #publishes #rental #price #index #BOE #addressing #demands


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