The hoteliers, on Yolanda Díaz’s proposal that restaurants close at 1: “It’s nonsense”

Yolanda Díaz: “It is crazy that restaurants are open until 1 in the morning and that we should be more like Europe”

The hoteliers on the warpath after the words of Yolanda Díaz

José Luis Yzuel has explained that restaurants set the hours requested by their customers and are already regulated

The vice president of the Government, Yolanda Diaz, In his last statements he said: “It’s crazy that restaurants are open until 1 in the morning.” and that we should be more like Europe.” Furthermore, he claimed, that she had had numerous meetings with hotelier employers’ associationswho had supported the same idea.

Isabel Diaz Ayusoregarding these criticisms by Yolanda Díaz of restaurants that are open at 1 in the morning, stated: “They want us to be puritans, materialists, socialists, without soul and without light.”

Given these doubts, what do hoteliers think about closing their restaurants at that time, ‘Everything is a lie’ connected with José Luis Yzuel, president of the Spanish Hospitality Business Confederation, went live and assured: “It seems like real nonsense to me.” that restaurants cannot open until 1 in the morning. “It has gone too far.”

José Luis Yzuel also explained that Restaurants set the hours that their customers request and they are already regulated by schedules that are generally controlled by city councils.

Regarding the idea of Europeanization suggested by Yolanda Díaz, the president of Hospitality of Spain, stated: “The hospitality industry in Spain is the envy of the world.”“What the majority of Europe is looking for is to become Spanish.”

On the other hand, in reference to Yolanda’s words that she had met with numerous employers’ associations, she indicated: “She lied like a scoundrel. I don’t know of any subsector that has met with her. “We are the biggest piece of the cake in the tourism sector of this country and we have not met with anyone.”


2024-03-04 16:50:59
#hoteliers #Yolanda #Díazs #proposal #restaurants #close #nonsense


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