Fabrica di Roma celebrates the Minerva 2024 Award: A night of sports, social, and culture honorees

Fabrica di Roma, the Minerva 2024 award concluded

All sport but also social and culture

FABRICA DI ROMA – All sports but also social and culture on Saturday 23 March at the Fabrica di Roma tent theatre. The awards ceremony took place with the presentation of merit to the brave people of sport, memory, excellence, culture and society. The athletes, managers, technicians and associations from our area were carefully selected. High representatives of the UNVS CONI of Civita Castellana were present, such as the president Luciano Di Genova, the vice president Raimondo Mattei, the secretary Marzia Granari, the technician Roberto Appetecchi, the technician Cristiano Pioli, the technician Maurizio Vidualdi, the manager Sergio Piano .

For the other institutions, the president of the Panathlon district of Viterbo Alessandro Pica, the president of UNVS CONI Giulio Onesti Andrea Frateiacci, prof. Carmelo Mandalari, professor at the University of Tor Vergata, Dr. Claudio Ricci mayor of Fabrica in Rome.

The names of the protagonists

Judo master Silvano Petti

The karate champion Clelia Appetecchi

The karate champion Michele D’Ovidio

Kick boxing champion Daniele Pulimanti

The kick boxing champion Daniele Cimini

The kick boxing champion Marco Anibali

The martial artist Andrea Del Vescovo

The rugby coaches, Chiara Francucci, Andrea Alessandrini, Giorgia Serafinelli, Davide Dattilo, Tiziana Abballe, Luca Fantera, Osvaldo Pichilli, Sergio Rughi.

The excellences of sport, Alessandro Corazza, Ermanno Todini, Giovanni Bartone, Roberto Ciappici, Roberto Rossi, Patrizio Carosi, Jacopo Sciamanna, Ottavio Macino.

The deserving athletes, Massimo Ferri, Mattia Lemme, Valerio Paolo Agostinelli, Andrea Loppi, Simone Stinchelli, Alberto Scaglione, Eduard A. Recalo, Troy Perfetti, Davide A. Diac, Cristian Bottini, Matteo Loppi, Marco Innocenzi, Leonardo Alessandrini, Flavio M Agostinelli, Valerio F. Diac.

Award in memory, moments of emotion during the award ceremony to Angelo Gelsomini, Olympic medalist in wrestling, Gianfranco Cingolani, blue boxing jersey, Giovanni Briasco, sports director, Luciano Anselmi, sports director.

Società sportive, rugby Civita Castellana u6, un8, u10, u12, team combat Pioli, ASD Combat, ASD Magen Academy

Social award, Italian Red Cross, Caritas, National Ass. Carabinieri, AVIS, Civil Protection, National Ass. Cavalry Weapon, National Ass. State Police.

Great particular interest shown by Marco Recalli Mediaset press office, thanks to Sandro Epifani for the video shooting and photography, Roberto Caccia for the floral decoration of the stage and to all the friends who attended and whom it was not possible to mention.

2024-03-26 08:18:13
#Viterbo #News #Fabrica #Roma #Minerva #award #concluded


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