Disabled Archer Daniel Lelou Inspires Students at Victor-Hugo School

Thursday, the Macairois disabled archer Daniel Lelou came to the Macairoise Victor-Hugo school to tell his story and present his equipment to four classes, as part of the theme offered in the establishment in this Olympic year. He immediately announced that he was not selected for the Paralympic Games this summer, recalling his participation in those in 1984 in New York (team silver), 1988 in Seoul (team bronze) and 2021 in Tokyo. .

“During my studies, this sport of precision and concentration became a true passion,” he tells Nathan who questions him about his discovery of archery. Which allows him to hide his equipment: “I had a phobia about showing myself with the prosthesis, I wouldn’t have been able to swim. But we have to get out, because we’re like the others…”

A message that Daniel Lelou hammers home, inviting disabled people to “not closing in on them, going out and especially doing sports. Many clubs are trained and equipped to welcome people with disabilities.”

His sporting career is an example: “In addition, in disabled sports, we have much longer careers than able-bodied sports, we have no age limit: they stop around 35 years old and I am 62 years old and I still participate in lots of competitions . »

The schoolchildren discovered its high-precision equipment: compound bow, carbon arrows and shield (target).

2024-03-23 04:12:10
#Sèvremoine #Daniel #Lelou #disabled #archer #front #schoolchildren


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