Post-game interview with Real Madrid coach Ancelotti

As soon as the game ends, Ancelotti He jumped onto the field and walked determinedly towards the referee. The technician was visibly upset for some recent decisions that harmed the Real Madrid. After making a gesture indicating both areas with his hands, he was reprimanded. With them he turned around and went to the locker room. At the end of the game acknowledged his protestbut preferred to focus on the great moment the team is in. He praised Joselu and believe that Rüdiger He will be able to be in the derby after the blow that forced him to retire at half-time.

The protest at the end of the game: “He gave me a card for protesting, but I’m not going to talk about this because we played a great game and we are very happy about it. What did I tell him? That it wasn’t a card (to Tchouaméni) and that it was a penalty (to Brahim ), that is, the complete opposite of what he called.

Two ‘finals’ to win half the League: “If we win the next two games (Atlético and Girona) what we will have is six more points and it will be very good news, but nothing more because there is a lot of championship ahead of us. The important thing is that the team is plugged in and doing things well” .

Rüdiger is a warrior and it is difficult for him to miss the derby due to a small discomfort, we will see but I think we can recover it

Ancelotti, coach of Real Madrid

Without Tchouaméni and Rüdiger played: “In the last play he carded Tchouaméni and will not be in the derby. I think Rüdiger can recover, he has a strong knock and we will see how he is in the next few days. It is not certain that he will play, but we have a few days to recover him. “Rüdiger is a warrior and it is difficult for him to miss the derby because of a minor annoyance.”

Vinicius’ game: “I changed him because we were managing the game very well and to take away 10 minutes of the game, nothing more. It is true that he was not successful in front of goal, but I really liked his game in the transitions, also Bellingham’s, Valverde… Chat in the band? I told him I was going to change him, that’s all.”

Joselu is doing everything necessary to stay, it is a blessing for us to have a forward with this quality

Ancelotti, coach of Real Madrid

Joselu double: “Joselu is doing everything necessary to stay, it is a blessing for us to have a forward with this quality and he is having a spectacular season. He is always willing to help the team. He is a serious professional and a humble and hard-working person.”

Best moment of the season: “We are very well emotionally, we are motivated, fighting, fighting… We handled well a match that was not easy at all against an opponent that demands many duels from you.”

2024-02-01 22:22:29
#protested #card #Tchouaméni #penalty #Brahim #called


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