Max Eberl’s Clever Performance as FC Bayern’s New Sports Director

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    On March 1st, Max Eberl will start as Bayern’s sports director. Now the club presented him. A clever appearance, says tz chief reporter Manuel Bonke.

    Munich – Reporter legend Uli Köhler – who has been reporting in FC Bayern’s cosmos for almost 50 years and is known as an empathetic person – turned to Max Eberl with a worried voice in view of his extremely long list of tasks (search for a coach, restructuring the squad, following in Hoeneß’s footsteps): “That A backpack is inhumane and almost impossible to afford. Are you aware of that?” The new sports director interrupted the Sky man with a grin: “Uli, I’ve already signed – I can’t go back!”

    Comment on the performance: Mia san Max – clever performance by Eberl!

    Eberl certainly had the laughs on his side with this comment. The new sports director does not lack rhetorical wit. But that was just a side note after Eberl’s first public appearance in a new role.

    The experienced Bundesliga manager presented himself as authentic, charming and humble. At no point did Eberl take refuge in empty phrases, but answered every question to the best of his knowledge and belief – that he could have at the time.

    tz reporter Manuel Bonke (r.) classifies Max Eberl’s first appearance as FC Bayern’s sports director. © Ulrich Wagner / Imago / Hague

    New Mister FC Bayern: Eberl makes his ambitions clear during the presentation

    Even the supporting actors on the podium, President Herbert Hainer and CEO Jan-Christian Dreesen, seemed impressed by the performance of the newest board member. The club should have now understood why club patron Uli Hoeneß had been planning the enthronement of his “foster son” for a long time and never shied away from making several attempts.

    With his eloquent communication, the 50-year-old gave a credible impression of wanting to shape an era in Munich on Tuesday in the Allianz Arena. Not overnight, but over the next few years. The new Mister FC Bayern is in development.

    Comment on Eberl’s first appearance: Bayern boss has no time for vanity

    In order to do justice to this vision, Eberl says he wants to build a squad “where sustainability is recognized, recognizable, and people can also identify with it.” A smart approach.

    In addition, he is convinced that it must also be possible in Munich to “lead Bavaria successfully, win titles and still shape development.” A very clever approach. Now it’s up to him to bring theory and practice together. Eberl can only hope that his colleagues from the management level can – and want to – deal with the new man’s charisma. There is no time for vanity. (bok)

    2024-02-28 06:21:00
    #Mia #san #Max #clever #performance #Eberl


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