Eintracht Braunschweig: Numerous people injured in riots in the stadium

Eintracht Braunschweig: Numerous people injured in riots in the stadium

As of: February 26, 2024 1:53 p.m

Many police officers and football fans were injured in serious riots after a second division game in Braunschweig on Saturday. Information about the cause and number of injured varies.

The Eintracht Braunschweig club announced that a five-year-old child was among the injured. It suffered a shock after being overrun by the police. In a statement, the club also spoke of a “double-digit number” of injured supporters, of which “at least five Eintracht fans suffered serious to very serious head or facial injuries.” Some would have had to be treated as outpatients and others as inpatients in hospital.

Police initiate several criminal proceedings

According to the police, 13 police officers were injured, as was a police horse. Several criminal proceedings were initiated on suspicion of breach of the peace, assault, grievous bodily harm, attempted release of prisoners and damage to property.

First scuffle quickly under control

What happened at the end of the game between Eintracht Braunschweig and Hertha BSC Berlin? The accounts from the club and the police agree that there were scuffles between supporters of both clubs in the north stand of the stadium in the final minutes of the game. However, stewards and police officers were apparently able to quickly bring the situation under control.

To the post on Facebook

Who is responsible for the escalation at the Eintracht Stadium?

However, after the final whistle, clashes broke out again between Braunschweig supporters behind the south stand. According to the club, a steward and other fans were able to calm this situation down again. The police, on the other hand, speak of an attack on the steward, after which a police unit intervened. The result: violent clashes between the emergency services and Braunschweig fans.

Police respond to attacks with “coercive measures”

According to the police, 200 supporters formed a “closed block” from which a police officer was attacked. There were further attacks when the police unit tried to lead the fans out of the stadium. The emergency services responded with “continuous coercive measures,” which could include restraining a person.

Fans and club criticize police operations

The Eintracht Braunschweig fan project and the Hertha BSC fan aid organization criticized the police operation. And the association writes in its statement that “the extent of injuries to so many people raises questions about the proportionality of this operation and the appropriate use of police resources by individual officers.”

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NDR 1 Lower Saxony | Current | 02/25/2024 | 9:00 a.m


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