Assessing Students’ Performance in Badminton: An Evaluation of Theoretical Knowledge, Technique, Strategy, Physical Condition, and Attitude

Assessing Students’ Performance in Badminton: An Evaluation of Theoretical Knowledge, Technique, Strategy, Physical Condition, and Attitude

Evaluation criteria Excellent Outstanding Good Acceptable Low Theoretical knowledge The student demonstrates a deep knowledge of the rules, terminology and strategies of badminton. The student demonstrates a good knowledge of badminton rules, terminology and strategies. The student demonstrates a basic knowledge of badminton rules, terminology and strategies. The student demonstrates limited knowledge of badminton rules, terminology and strategies. The student shows a lack of knowledge of the rules, terminology and strategies of badminton. Technique and skills The student executes the basic badminton strokes correctly and fluently, showing exceptional mastery in their execution. The student correctly executes the basic badminton strokes, showing a good level of precision and fluidity. The student adequately executes the basic badminton strokes, although he has some deficiencies in his precision and fluidity. The student executes the basic badminton strokes with difficulty and lack of precision. The student has difficulty correctly executing the basic badminton strokes. Strategy and team play The student demonstrates an excellent understanding of game strategies in badminton and shows a great ability to work as a team. The student demonstrates a good understanding of badminton playing strategies and shows good ability to work as a team. The student demonstrates a basic understanding of badminton playing strategies and shows adequate ability to work as a team. The student presents some difficulties in understanding the game strategies in badminton and shows a limited ability to work as a team. The student has difficulty understanding game strategies in badminton and shows little ability to work as a team. Physical Condition The student shows outstanding physical condition, demonstrating strength, agility and endurance appropriate for badminton. The student shows good physical condition, demonstrating strength, agility and endurance appropriate for badminton. The student shows acceptable physical condition, although he can improve strength, agility and endurance for badminton. The student shows limited physical condition, presenting difficulties in terms of strength, agility and resistance for badminton. The student shows poor physical condition, which negatively affects her performance in badminton. Attitude and participation The student shows an exemplary attitude, actively participates in activities and demonstrates a great commitment to his learning in badminton. The student shows a good attitude, participates regularly in activities and has a good commitment to his learning in badminton. The student displays an acceptable attitude, occasionally participates in activities, and shows a basic commitment to learning badminton. The student shows a passive attitude, participates little in activities and shows limited commitment to his learning in badminton. The student shows a negative attitude, does not participate in the activities and shows a lack of commitment to learning badminton.

2024-02-17 10:26:25
#Rubric #evaluate #Badminton #topic #Sports #subject


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