Anya Tatranova: The Rise of a Badminton Star from Humble Beginnings

Anya Tatranova: The Rise of a Badminton Star from Humble Beginnings

Anya Tatranova is not just a rising badminton star. She symbolizes the quintessence of the passion transmitted by her parents, Natalya and Konstantyn, former Ukrainian international badminton champions, who chose to settle down in Villers-le-Lac. From her first steps, Anya Tatranova set foot on the courts of the badminton school of the Val de Morteau club (BVM). She braved her humble beginnings and early setbacks, admitting: “The girls were bigger and stronger than me, I lacked power. » But she…

2024-02-17 08:00:00
#Badminton #Anya #Tatranova #rising #star #competing #European #Championships #French #team


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