Argentines Who Made History in the NFL: Bob Breitenstein, Martín Gramática, and Bill Gramática

There are sports that are not widely practiced in Argentina and even their rules are unknown to some, one of those disciplines is American football. Even so, this was not an impediment for three of ours to play in the National Football League (NFL), in the United States.

The first to give the present in this league was Bob Breitenstein, in the 60s. He was then followed by a pair of brothers: Martín Gramática, who won a Super Bowl, and Bill Gramática.

Bob Breitenstein

Bob Breitenstein was the one who gave way for more Argentines to dream of playing in the NFL, since he was the country’s pioneer. Born in Buenos Aires in 1943, he became an American citizen and was drafted 21st in the second round in 1965.

His career in the league lasted until 1970, during which time he played for: Denver Broncos (1965-1967), Minnesota Vikings (1967), Chicago Bears (1968) and Atlanta Falcons (1969-1970). He played a total of 58 games.

Bob’s career ended after a knee injury that kept him off the court for a year. When he was about to return in 1971, a car accident complicated his recovery, he was released and did not sign with any other team again.

Martin Grammar

Although he was not the first, Martín Gramática left his mark on the league as he is the only Argentine to win a Super Bowl. Born in 1975, he moved to the United States when he was nine years old and his passion for soccer had a great influence on his career.

The Boca fan wanted to be a professional player and had a great punch, which amazed the soccer coaches, but from the American. Leaving the door open in this discipline.

In 1999, the kicker was drafted in the third round by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, a team that had never been able to be a champion. But in 2003 he won the Super Bowl, the Argentine scored 12 points in the game: two field goals and six extra points.

Martín Gramática was the second Argentine to play in the MLS and the only one to win a Super Bowl. (Courtesy Tampa Bay Buccaneers)

Martín played until 2008 in the NFL and played for many teams, which are: Tampa Bay Buccaneers (1999-2004), Indianapolis Colts (2004), New England Patriots (2006), Indianapolis, Colts (2006), Dallas Cowboys (2006-2007) and New Orleans Saints (2007-2008).

William Grammar

Guillermo “Bill” Gramática, Martín’s younger brother and born in 1978, had affection for soccer in our region, but he leaned toward American soccer to follow in the family’s footsteps and become the second Argentine with a Super Bowl.

Bill Gramática is the third and last Argentine to play in the NFL. (Courtesy Arizona Cardinals)

Bill played the same position as his brother, kicker, and entered the NFL in 2001, being drafted in the fourth round. His career in this league lasted until 2004.

The third Argentine in the NFL left his mark on the league, but unfortunately it was not for a good reason. He was on everyone’s lips after celebrating a score and injuring his anterior cruciate ligament.

Like Martín, the player played for different teams: Arizona Cardinals (2001-2003), New York Giants (2004), Miami Dolphins (2004).

2024-01-14 02:17:22
#Argentines #played #NFL


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