The money that Sporting has to sign a forward

The money that Sporting has to sign a forward

Sporting plans to have around 400,000 euros to undertake the incorporation of a forward with a view to this January market, according to various sources consulted by this newspaper. The priority of the sports area in the market continues to be Asier Villalibre, Athletic forward, as exclusively reported by LA NEW ESPAÑA. But the Gernika attacker’s misgivings about leaving the Bilbao club in January lead the red and white entity to explore other targets. The exact amount to address the hiring of an attacker, the main objective of the red-and-white club in this window, will depend after the “exit operation” and the margin that the casualties add to the salary limit. In principle, it is only intended to sign a forward, although the “exit operation” could modify the club’s objectives. But the priority is to crown the project with a “9.”

The red and white entity almost consumed the salary limit last summer market, with the final incorporation of Roque Mesa. But in recent months it has become “cash” and it will be possible to go with certain guarantees for a signing with a “high” profile that can raise the level of Ramírez’s group. The red-and-white club, which maintains a fluid relationship with LaLiga, with frequent conversations to find out its salary ceiling, now pending an update, has generated different extraordinary income for which the Spanish football employers’ association allows 100% to be used to make appropriate movements. entry into the market, if Mareo deems it appropriate.

One of the most important “levers” has been the income from box office in several League matches at El Molinón. The fans, to a certain extent, have helped stretch the room for maneuver in the market. The red and white club has sold more than 3,000 tickets in different games, at a price of 20 euros each. Another extraordinary “lever” that is taken into account by the entity is the second round of the subscriber campaign, which is having a great response. Sporting brought forward the start of that campaign, and the rate of registrations is advancing. The owner also understands the moment that Sporting is facing, after a delicate first year of landing, and observes the enormous opportunity that the red and white team has to fight to climb to the First Division thanks to a notable first round, with the team third, and in a competition that is being very tight.

In any case, the margin of movement that the sports management team has will depend on several elements, such as a transfer (the last winter market the red and white club transferred José Gragera to Espanyol for more than 3 million). Also an exit of a player who has an important chip. This is something that seems very difficult since the players with the most options to leave the sporting club in January are the players who also have the least heavy chips.

Added to all this is that Miguel Ángel Ramírez does not want to decapitalize the project by losing an important footballer in the winter market. The managers’ motto is clear: there is enormous satisfaction with the squad and the priority is to give continuity to the group that has led the team to fight for promotion to the First Division. Cali Izquierdoz is one of those players who has a heavy chip and who has aroused interest in the market, especially in his country. His contract ends in 2024, he has no renewal offer, and Independiente insists on signing him, also for June. But neither the player nor Sporting are now considering a way out.

2023-12-26 03:00:22
#money #Sporting #sign


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