Morales del Vino Sports Clubs Unite to Represent the Town

Morales del Vino Sports Clubs Unite to Represent the Town

He Municipal Pavilion José Hernández Macías de Morales del Vino On Friday afternoon, it hosted the presentation of the six sports clubs that during this season will proudly parade the name of the town in their corresponding disciplines and competitions. He Morales del Vino Atlético, the Muévete Por Tu Salud Association, the mixed basketball team, the Asprosub team, Judo Morales and the AMPA team of the CEIP Morales del Vino They met at the Moralino municipal pavilion and celebrated this day of sharing the different objectives of the clubs, with a common denominator: leaving the mark of Morales del Vino wherever they go.

Besides, During the event, the captains were also honored with a symbolic presentation of a gift and gratitude for their work and their dedication to the team that so many people represent.

Morales Wine Clubs

2023-12-03 00:49:15
#Morales #del #Vino #presents #clubs #defend #town #sports


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