Annual Sports Merit Ceremony Held in Rovigo – CONI Recognizes Athletes and Clubs

Annual Sports Merit Ceremony Held in Rovigo – CONI Recognizes Athletes and Clubs

ROVIGO – Catwalk of athletes of all ages this morning at Palazzo Roncale in Rovigo, in Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II, on the occasion of the traditional Sports merit ceremony organized by Coni Rovigo. Starting from 11am, in the splendid Sala degli Arazzi courtesy of the Cariparo Foundation, many of the main protagonists of Polesine sport were called together. Not only the deserving individuals reported and awarded by the National Coni, but also many athletes and sports clubs identified as deserving of recognition thanks to the collaboration of the Municipality of Rovigo.

The presence of authorities was strong, as usual. Doing the honors will be the CONI provincial delegate, Lucio Taschinsupported by the president of Coni Veneto, Dino Ponchio. Taschin himself, in recalling how the provincial ceremony follows the regional one held a few weeks ago in Castelfranco Veneto, extracted from the number one in Venetian sport the promise to organize the regional ceremony in Rovigo for the awarding of gold and silver merits next year. Also present were the two members of the Coni Veneto council, Luca Terrin and Andrea Alberti. The president of the Province of Rovigo brought him greetings, Enrico Ferraresewhile the Municipality of Rovigo was represented by the Municipal Councillor Marco Bonvento. The participation of the Cariparo Foundation is inevitable, through the voice of the vice-president Giuseppe Toffoli recalled the great commitment to supporting Polesine sport.

In an atmosphere of great celebration, the morning continued with the delivery of the Silver medal for sporting merit to Andrea Fregnan (judo – katame no kata). Then the Bronze stars for managers: Alessandro Boniolo (president of the Baseball Softball Club Rovigo), Vittorio Cogo (illustrious figure of Polesine and national rugby) and Roberto Saro (general secretary of the Cariparo Foundation) received the prestigious recognition. Following, the roundup of Sports merit medals for athletesin relation to the successes achieved in 2021: Alice Fracassetto (running skating), Matteo Cavessago (canoe kayak), Alexandros Chatziplis (shooting – rifle) and the large group of players from FemiCz Rugby Rovigo Delta, made up of Matteo Ferro, Andrea Bacchetti, Edoardo Lubian and Paolo Uncini (absent, but prize also for Matteo Moscardi, Matteo Canali and Francesco Modena). The Bronze star for society it went to Asd Pugilistica Francesco Avanzi of Ariano nel Polesine, a small but very active company founded in 1992.

Due i Special prizes Coni Rovigo intended for equally as many figures who have never failed to be close to local sport: the president of the Panathlon Club Rovigo, Gianpaolo Milanand the outgoing president of the Accademia dei Concordi of Rovigo, Giovanni Boniolo.

The window dedicated to the delivery of the items is large plaques created by the Municipality of Rovigo, with the collaboration of CONI Rovigo, for the clubs that have distinguished themselves during the season with prestigious sporting results. The awards went to: Baseball Softball Club Rovigo, Circolo Scacchistico Rodigino, Asd Sen Shin Kai Rovigo, Skating Club Rovigo, Centro Scherma Rovigo, Scuderia Rovigo Corse, Centro di Equitazione Il Bosco, Abc Rally Action Team, Avia Pervia Ocr Asd, Polisportiva Uni Sport Asd, Asd Rhodigium Boxe, New Fighters, Gruppo Canoe Polesine Rovigo Asd, Asd Sar Ritmica Gimnasia, Asd Run It, Polisportiva Dilettantistica Olimpica Skaters Rovigo. Paintings were also delivered to all the sports clubs Private collection “Agostino Melloni”kindly donated by the children of the esteemed artist from Polesine, present at the ceremony.

CONI Rovigo also invited many other sports clubs active in the youth sector to the ceremony, demonstrating how the five-circle Polesine Committee keeps the promotion and support of sport among the new generations among its priorities. In recognition of the activity carried out daily on behalf of young people, they too were given splendid paintings signed by Agostino Melloni. These are the sports clubs awarded for the activity of the nursery: Rhodigium Basket, Club Sommozzatori Rovigo, Gs Duomo Calcio, Rovigolf Country Club Asd, Asd Rovigo Women, Boxing Rovigo, Asd Areasport Rovigo Club, Discobolo Atletica Rovigo, Asd Aero Club Rovigo, Asd Nuovo Basket Rovigo, Circolo Tennis Rovigo Asd, Asd Rugby Club “Aldo Milani”, Compagnia Arcieri Rovigo, Aics Provincial Committee Rovigo, Asd Aug Le Torri Rovigo, Rovigo Calcio, Acd Boara Polesine, Monti Rugby Rovigo, Polisportiva Grignano.

Supporting the trustees and all the staff of Coni Rovigo in the awarding of the numerous prizes were a group of students from the “Paleocapa” sports scientific high school in Rovigoaccompanied by professor Marco Gregnanin.

2023-12-02 18:42:20
#Coni #Rovigo #awards #delivered


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