‘After Naples I said no to proposals from the United Arab Emirates’

The coach’s revelation at Casa Italia broadcast on Rai channels: “It wasn’t the football I liked, luckily then the call from the national team came. At the European Championships the goal is to repeat ourselves, even if it won’t be easy. I wanted to call up Kayode. Koleosho another interesting profile”


“I also saw Italy from afar when I coached Zenit in St. Petersburg and I could have continued to do so because the fantastic experience in Naples was over I have received offers from the United Arab Emirates and from other championships, in which I would have been paid very well. But It wasn’t football I liked. Then the national team called and my dreams came true.” The coach of the Italian national team said this Luciano Spalletti at ‘Casa Italia’, broadcast on Rai Italia and Rai Play.

“In Germany to win the European Championship”

“The European Championships? We don’t compete to please ourselves, we will go to Germany to fight on every front – continues Spalletti -. We can only aim for the maximumwe are the reigning champions, we cannot seek a lower position than that of 2020, even if it will be difficult to repeat

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“There are some strong young players that we are following carefully, even far from Italy – continues Spalletti -. Kayode, the Fiorentina winger, I called him up but he got injured. Now let’s try to evaluate them directly live. Luca Koleosho (born in the USA, striker for Burnley in the Premier League and for the Under 21s) is another rather interesting profile.” Our thoughts then turn to the Italians abroad, those who follow the Italian team from across the border: “To them we promise maximum commitment, football can be an element capable of making them feel closer to their country of origin. Every time we went to play abroad we received this ‘scarf around the neck’, made of human warmth that is part of being Italian.”

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1970-01-01 00:00:00
#Naples #proposals #United #Arab #Emirates


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