Venezuelan Basketball Federation Announces Generational Change and New Coaching Team

SEE / Irving Guanipa Ojeda

The board of directors of the Venezuelan Basketball Federation (FVB), ​​headed by its president Hanthony Coello, announced this Thursday at a press conference that the structures of the organization have begun to change completely in search of achieving the proper transition towards generational change, with the successful participation of the Absolute National Team, which made history by winning the silver medal at the Santiago 2023 Pan American Games and which will present new selectors in each of its categories for the upcoming international commitments.

Then he warmly acknowledged the new national coach, Daniel Seoane, who led the Venezuelan team to the silver medal in Santiago 2023, and indicated that “this recognition from the entire country for the generational change and that medal won in Santiago 2023, It inspires us for the celebration in the country of the first defense to be held next February against the Colombian team. With Seoane and his coaching staff, purely Venezuelan, we are writing a new history in Venezuelan basketball; We already took that big step with the help of our young coach, Daniel Seoane. We are very happy and excited to have been received at the Miraflores Palace by the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, where they were recognized and awarded prizes, which are very well deserved, for the efforts made to give him a medal. to the country, for the first time in its history.

The president of Fevebaloncesto specified that Iván García will be the technical director of the U17 national team, with Alexander Rodríguez and Carlos Pimentel, as his assistants; Manuel Echezuría will be in charge of the U15 men’s national team for the FIBA ​​South American 2024; Oscar Silva will be the main coach of the U17 women’s team. Silva already has experience as a coach of the senior women’s national team, he will have the technical assistance of Luz María Vargas and José Luis Pérez; David Durán will direct the U15 FIBA ​​South American Women’s national team 2024, and Morielkis Montiel the U14 women’s team of the 2023 South American School Games. The Venezuelan coaching staff for the 2023 Central American and Caribbean School Games, U17 men’s 3X3, will be Víctor Mena, and for the women’s 3X3 of the CAC 2023 School Games, Angelie Monzón.

Daniel Seoane satisfied with the work and grateful to all the players

«To be honest, we are deeply satisfied with the results achieved in our first presentation as coach of the national team at the Santiago 2023 Pan American Games with this historic silver medal and the way it was achieved. Because we only had two training sessions to refine the strategies with which we were going to play the tournament. We felt satisfied with the process of renewing the team, as fairly new players, we had four who were wearing the national jersey for the first time and those with experience, such as Windi Graterol, who served as captain, Néstor Colmenares and Miguel Ruiz, were truly masters and we They allowed us to make things easier as a team. In reality, they were all gentlemen, on and off the court. We achieved significant objectives, such as integrating new players into the team and the chemistry necessary to obtain the good results achieved,” said the young coach of the Absolute National Basketball Team, Daniel Seoane.

The new national coach stated that they had to solve many things to be able to meet the medal goal, since Kender Urbina, the first position or base, logical to start the matches, had problems being able to make the trip and at the last minute could not accompany them ; Edwin Mijares, the immediate successor, was injured, when he was performing best with the national team, so they had to turn to the young promise Franger Pirela, who, like Yohanner Sifontes, Edgar Martínez and José Ascanio, were decisive in the triumphs achieved to conquer the silver medal, although in reality he referred to each one of the team with the greatest respect, and indicated that they were all heroes; «Everyone was really very important and played solidly on the field. We are grateful to them for their performance in each game and this will be the case for the future. “I don’t have the slightest doubt.”

He also indicated that Garly Sojo had a very important performance, since he was the only one who exceeded 30 minutes per game and that he represents the significant future of the national team.

Later, he publicly thanked Fernando Duró and his team of assistants for the work carried out before his arrival as the new national coach, whom he recognized for having started a great job for the team to achieve significant achievements, “we have many things to do.” “We use them as Fernando Duró left them.” Finally, he indicated that he will have a good base to begin the international commitments that are coming up and that will begin next February.

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2023-11-09 22:02:55
#Venezuelan #basketball #began #true #renewal #process #Santiago #DiarioVea


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