Lionel Messi’s Spectacular Performance in Argentine Team Training Wows Fans and Sparks Social Media Frenzy

The Argentine team completed its second training session in Ezeiza with a view to the matches against Uruguay, this Thursday in La Bombonera, and Brazil, at the Maracaná next Tuesday, for the South American Qualifiers. The practice was open to the press and all eyes were on the greatest emblem Lionel Messi, who is at his peak and even scored a great goal in reduced football.

La Pulga appeared impeccable physically, with no trace of the injury that had him suffering in recent times and affected him both in playing with the national team and in Inter Miami, although that did not prevent him from winning his eighth Ballon d’Or, a mark that is difficult to reach with the naked eye. And in that football reduced to Messi, he was seen finishing with a lot of confidence, even scoring a nice goal from a scrape and making goalkeeper Walter Benítez upset on another occasion.

The performance of the Argentine captain was such that a photo of him caused a sensation on social networks. In it he is seen jumping in the best Michael Jordan style, connecting with his head with great force the ball and with his inseparable partner Rodrigo De Paul watching him next to him.

Immediately, the reactions on Twitter, where the classic memes also appeared, focused on Messi’s jump. “Messi Airlines”, “if I had proposed it to him, I have no doubt that he would be the best header in the world too”, “goal in the Champions League final against Arsenal. What a phenomenon by God!!” and “look what the 36-year-old kid jumps,” were some of the comments that highlighted La Pulga’s resource.

Others joked and noticed the detail of De Paul, with a look similar to that of “Diosito”, one of the protagonists of the renowned series El Marginal. “De Paul’s smile”, “De Paul as always admiring the best player in history”, “De Paul making sure that the mosquitoes don’t come close to bother the GOAT” and “this guy is definitely Messi’s bodyguard, always It is there, neither close nor far, but there, always there, outside and inside the field,” other users wrote.

The reactions on networks due to Lionel Messi’s jump in the practice of the Argentine team:

2023-11-15 04:15:00
#Lionel #Messi #viral #photo #National #Team #practice #reactions #networks #Paul #protagonist


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