Illia Tyrtyshnyk Reflects on Debut Victory and Challenges Ahead

Last Sunday the debut at PalaCalafiore with the victory over the fierce Barcelona 4.0, in these hours the first words of Illia Tyrtyshnykthe Ukrainian national team that is the flagship of the neroarancio roster.

Again in English, on the microphones of the official channels of the Purple basketball he commented on the match won at home and the commitments of an Interregional Serie B championship yet to be deciphered.

“I saw the coach’s interview, I didn’t understand everything but I understood that he wasn’t happy, and neither are we. We certainly won, a ‘bad win’ is always better than a good defeat, but we should have done much better. We were at +9 in the first quarter and reached the halfway mark at -5. We came out well in the third quarter, in the last quarter we were +18, but perhaps in the last five minutes we thought ‘the game is over, we’ve already won’. We stopped defending, and in attack we only shot from the foul line. So we won but we were left with a bad feeling.”

Tyrtyshnyk adds:

“I think it’s part of the job of being a coach not to be happy. But even if we win by 30 or 40 points, there are always things to fix that we can do better. The coach was also nervous because from +18 we went to +7 and we could have lost.”

Last Sunday, we were saying, his debut in the championship after the bureaucratic obstacles, right in front of the friendly public. This is how he describes his ‘first time’ Illia:

“The impact with PalaCalafiore was very nice, we really felt the support, because for us players it is not easy to stay mentally strong for 40 minutes in the match. The people who came to see us cheered and cheered and even shouted at the referee and the other players, and this helped us a lot and pushed us to play to win and make them happy.”

The Ukrainian international thinks like this about the championship and the opponents of this new Serie B:

“The ‘top’ teams are really strong, I haven’t played against Orlandina but I’ve seen them, they are experienced, they have people on the roster who have played at high levels before. And the same for Sala Consilina, an excellent, solid and balanced group with good players in all positions. Maybe Cus Catania wasn’t at this level, but they have good young people who run, fight, and if they have some technical deficiencies they make up for it with the desire to play and fight. So the general level of the championship is good, there are more experienced and stronger teams, but everyone is fighting and there are no easy matches.”

Tyrtyshnyk concludes by commenting on the next away match against Svincolati Milazzo:

“When we prepared for the other games I saw Milazzo’s actions, and they are an excellent team. From what I’ve seen they play with everyone, they narrowly lost away from home against Orlandina, Barcelona beat them by a narrow margin: they too are an excellent team. The difference between first and sixth is small, so we have to prepare well for each match because you can win but also lose by two points, and in the season this counts.”

2023-10-27 14:04:05
#Reggio #Calabria #Viola #Basketball #interview #Illia #Tyrtyshnyk


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