The Troubled Atmosphere in the Lyon Locker Room: Lacazette’s Frustration and Distrust of Cherki

The Troubled Atmosphere in the Lyon Locker Room: Lacazette’s Frustration and Distrust of Cherki

In Génération After on RMC, Sofiane Zouaoui gave information on the heavy atmosphere in the Lyon locker room, where the frustration of Alexandre Lacazette is combined with a distrust of Rayan Cherki.

The atmosphere is deleterious. At Olympique Lyonnais, Fabio Grosso is not only faced with a catastrophic sporting situation. The new Italian coach must also deal with a “break” in the locker room in which the executives “are a burden in a situation which is already heavy”, according to Sofiane Zouaoui who gave information on Wednesday evening behind the scenes of OL in Génération After on RMC.

Among the reasons for Lyon’s unease: the departures of Castello Lukeba and Bradley Barcola, even though John Textor had initially assured that the club did not need to sell its best talents. “It created a big problem of jealousy in the locker room (…), resentment for many players,” says Sofiane Zouaoui, according to whom some were frustrated at not having been able to leave even though they would have liked to.

Lacazette’s frustration “weighs” on the group

As for the executives, the locker room is disturbed by the attitudes of Alexandre Lacazette and Corentin Tolisso. The RMC columnist explains it in particular by a “frustration with the result”.

“Lacazette, his frustration is very visible in the team. It weighs enormously,” adds Sofiane Zouaoui, specifying that the Lyon striker refrains from saying that the level of his teammates is not sufficient. Especially since he had a way out during the transfer window: “He refused an offer this summer from Saudi Arabia”.

As for Corentin Tolisso, the problem is linked to his performances: “It’s a question of level. It weighs heavily on some in the group who don’t understand why he plays so many matches.”

Distrust of Cherki, poorly integrated recruits

And there is the case of Rayan Cherki who “takes the place that executives do not take”. Sofiane Zouaoui elaborates: “He clearly saw that the two and some of the group’s executives had resigned. So he takes a very important place in the team, because he is talkative, because he speaks loudly, because “he has a sometimes mocking way of speaking. That poses a real problem in training. There has been friction in training recently. Some players think that he is not legitimate because he does not not the efforts without the ball on the field. (…) With a defender in training, there was a confusion.”

To make matters worse, the reception of recruits is also poor: “It dates back several years, unfortunately and it is still the case today. There is a disgusting atmosphere in the team. The integration of new people is bogus. There is one who arrived this summer who already wants to leave. There is no group cohesion.”

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2023-09-27 20:41:54
#Lacazette #Tolisso #Cherki.. #information #break #weakening #Lyon #locker #room


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