In Cortina, there is a picket again against the restoration of the ice track for the needs of the 2026 Olympic Games

Picketers objected to the track’s environmental impact and questioned its future value. Also, some of those gathered were concerned about the increase in traffic after the track is completed.

Last week, the procurement tender for the renovation of the track ended, but no company has applied

Around 400 people took part in the picket in the central square of Cortina d’Ampezzo in March.

The track for the 2026 Olympic Games will be built on the site of the track named after Eugenio Monti, where the 1956 Olympic Games took place and which was closed in 2008. As reported by RAI, the construction costs have already increased to 120 million euros, which is significantly more than was originally planned.

It was previously reported that the track was planned to be shortened from 1.7 to 1.4 kilometers and the first section to be made more technically complex. In addition to competitions, it is also planned to be used for tourist trips in winter and summer.

The candidacy of Milan and Cortina in the vote for hosting the 2026 Winter Olympic Games beat Stockholm, which had entrusted Sigulda with hosting the ice track sports.

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2023-09-25 18:34:35
#Cortina #picket #restoration #ice #track #Olympic #Games


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