Basketball Bundesliga’s New Season to Kick Off with High-Tech Glass Floor

The countdown is running!

In eight days the easyCredit Basketball Bundesliga will finally start the new season.

World Cup hero started with Lakers Bonga: I learned THAT from LeBron

Source: BILD September 17, 2023

At the matchday highlight on September 29th, fans can see three German world champions: Bayern with Isaac Bonga (23), Andreas Obst (27) and Niels Giffey (32) meet the Central Germans BC.

Good for all basketball fans who can’t get into the hall: It’s the first game that BILD TV will broadcast live and free of charge (September 29th, 8 p.m.).

And they see the miracle floor for the world champions!

According to BILD information, the game will be played on a very special surface in Munich’s BMW Park.

A high-tech video sports floor made of glass is being used for the first time.

Thanks to an app, he can display live scores or names of successful throwers. There are no longer any glued-on lines, the boundaries of the playing field are represented by LED lights!

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The surface, which is celebrating its world premiere in a league game, was planned and manufactured by the German company ASB from Stein in Bavaria. The “ASB GlassFloor” is a further development of the “MultiSport” floor used by the second division handball team HC Elbflorenz. But it can only show the playing field lines.

The futuristic surface was tested in the summer at the U19 Women’s Basketball World Cup in Spain.

Christof Babinsky from ASB: “The feedback from the players, coaches and officials was overwhelming. We are on the path to changing the world of indoor sports and this was a big step for us.”

2023-09-18 18:01:04
#Basketball #Bundesliga #start #Bayern #miracle #floor #Sports


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