African Badminton Championships Region 2: Benin Dominates in Women’s Category

African Badminton Championships Region 2: The Beninese take the lion’s share in the women’s category

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The family photo of all participants at the end of the competition

The last African Badminton Region 2 Championships largely smiled on the Beninese badminton players. This is what the medal table shows at the end of this competition which took place at the Hall of Arts, Leisure and Sports in Cotonou. Indeed, on the evening of Friday September 15, 2023 (closing date of these championships), the Benin box displayed five (5) gold medals, five (5) silver and three (3) bronze medals. With this harvest, Benin finished at the top of the general ranking of this edition of the African Region 2 badminton championships. It should be noted that the competition, held over two days, saw the participation of Burkinabé and Togolese women.

Here are the women’s results

Junior Ladies Singles: 1- Anna Gladys Akakpo (BEN); 2- Hilary Fabossou (BEN); 3- Rachidath Bilogo (BUR); 3- Odile Djoyagbo (TOG)

Juniors Women’s Double : 1- Gladys Akakpo/Hilary Fabossou (BEN); 2- Honfo Gabriella/Dhossou Bénédicte (BEN); 3- Djoyagbo Odile/Kwassi Kpede Ahliba (TOG); 3- Atchade Blessings/Fano-Dosh Orden (BEN)

Junior ladies Mixed doubles: 1- Tapsoba Fatao/ Bilogo Rachidath (BUR); 2- Koudousse Souleymann/ Djoyagbo Odile (TOG); 3- Kiki Priskero/Dhossou Bénédicte (BEN); 3- Yann Abissi/Atchade Blessing (BEN)

Senior ladies singles: 1- Pascaline Vitou (BEN); 2- Gladys Akakpo (BEN); 3- Kadidjata Diallo (BUR); 3- Flora Kpogbemabou (TOG)

Senior ladies Doubles: 1- Gladys Akakpo/Vitou Pascaline (BEN); 2- Hilary Fabossou/Flora Kpogbemabou (BEN); 3- Djoyagbo Odile/ Adjima Rolande (TOG); 3- Diallo Kadidjata /Bilogo Rachidath (BUR)

Senior ladies Double Mixed : 1- Gladys Candle/ Oswald Fano-Dosh (BEN); 2- Carlos Ahouangassi/Vitou Pascaline (BEN); 3- Ouedraogo Ousmane (BUR); 3- Issa Azim/Adjima Rolande (TOG)


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2023-09-16 07:00:00
#Beninese #women #lions #share #womens #category


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