Vincent Janssen saw an Antwerp “at CL level”: “And now I would like some nice posters” | Champions League

“This is a reward for a whole year of hard work,” says Vincent Janssen about Antwerp’s qualification. “This was a victory for all of us. From the board to the trainer to the players.”

“It was a difficult match. It may not have been the most beautiful football, but we did play at CL level.”

Still, there were some pressing moments, such as the Greek final offensive and also the injury for Alderweireld. “When Toby dropped out, Zeno (Van den Bosch) came in and he also did great. Just like Sammy (Vines, the replacement for the suspended Bataille). That is our quality.”

Although Antwerp writes club history, Janssen does not expect a big party. “Maybe there will be something nice when we return to the hotel. A small drink too. But we also have to get up early tomorrow to return to Antwerp.”

It is not the first time for Janssen that he can taste the group stage of the Champions League. “But I have never been a basic player in the Champions League before. So this will be special for me too. Hopefully I can be important for the team.”

The Dutchman did not dare to look at the distribution of the pots for the draw in advance. “I prefer to have some nice posters. But preferably also some points.”

“In most matches we will be the underdog. But with our fans behind it at the Bosuil you never know.”

2023-08-30 22:08:25
#Vincent #Janssen #Antwerp #level #nice #posters #Champions #League


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