Vlahovic, PSG fans shock banner: “We’ll cut off three of your fingers”

Unfortunate episode that happened to Dusan Vlahovic. The Juventus striker, who ended up at the center of summer market rumors that see him in the crosshairs of Paris Saint-Germain, received a threat, not so veiled, from some supporters of the Parisian club. In fact, a shock banner was displayed outside the Parco dei Principi at his address: “Vlahovic in Paris we will cut off your three fingers”.

PSG, banner against Vlahovic

But what are the French fans referring to? The episode, obviously to be condemned, refers to the exultation of the Serbian attacker after qualifying for the last edition of the World Cup. Along with Mitrovic and Kostic, Dusan Vlahovic had his picture taken in a moment of exultation, his hand marking the number three.

A gesture which in Serbia means ‘victory’, but which can have multiple meanings. One of these is that of the ‘Greeting of Kühnen, also used by some neo-Nazi fringes.

2023-07-17 11:01:00
#Vlahovic #PSG #fans #shock #banner #cut #fingers


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