Rome back to Trigoria, fans to Dybala ‘stay’ – Football

Rome back to Trigoria, fans to Dybala ‘stay’ – Football

(ANSA) – ROME, JULY 10 – The Roma season starts again. In fact, the meeting in Trigoria was set for this morning with the first arrivals, those of Andrea Belotti and José Mourinho, already starting at 8. Then all the others arrived in dribs and drabs, including the new signing Aoaur. Thunderous applause at the arrival of Paulo Dybala with the fans outside the gates of the sports center who asked him to stay. The Argentine, like the rest of his teammates, didn’t stop, entering directly into Trigoria, while yesterday evening, returning from England, intercepted by journalists who asked him if he was happy in Rome, he replied with a smile and a curt “Yes”.

When asked if he would stay in the capital, however, he added: “Yes, training will resume tomorrow (today, ed.).” The footballer, however, is waiting to be able to talk to the management about his contract on which a clause hangs which can be canceled by adjusting the salary to six million net per season. The question will have to be addressed in the next few days, meanwhile in the morning the team will undergo athletic tests and sports fitness visits, while in the late afternoon the first real session with the ball.

Starting tomorrow, double training sessions trying to avoid the hottest times and the first friendly match against Boreale (a club of Roman excellence) is scheduled for Saturday. For next Monday, however, the return of the internationals is expected. (HANDLE).



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2023-07-10 08:33:47
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