Kei Nishikori Discusses His Return and Goals for the Future

Kei Nishikori continues his return to the professional circuit in Bloomfield and has taken the opportunity to talk about everything related to his return.

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Kei Nishikori He competes this week in the Bloomfield Challenger after his successful return with a title included in Puerto Rico. The Japanese tennis player has been away from the circuit for 20 months due to a series of injuries that prevented him from returning. After this, he will play a series of lower level tournaments before making the jump to the best tournaments, although the sensations are very good. Kei talked about everything related to his injury and some of the things that have brought him back.

Nishikori on his return

“I’ve been watching a lot of tennis. I thought it was a good idea to be mentally prepared to play again. 20 months was not a short time. I was just trying to be mentally fresh, not stress too much every day. It’s usually hard for me. I have returned many times from an injury and it usually takes six months to be 100%. You lose confidence, you lose the feeling with the ball, the way you move, you lose everything. But luckily I’ve had a lot of time to train. This time I feel like I’m at 70 or 80%. So I’m pretty happy with how I’m playing now.”

«I had surgery on my hip, I sprained my ankle during these 20 months, and my shoulder was bad. So I had a couple of different injuries. That’s why it was also difficult to stay motivated, but I just wanted to get back to playing tennis and competing again. And above all watching Djokovic, Rafa who continues to play, fighting. And I haven’t played against Alcaraz, Rune. That is something that I am also looking forward to, playing against them. I just need to play more games. I think I need to play Top 50 players again. I need to get used to playing with them and regain confidence.

2023-07-07 01:49:21
#Nishikori #play #games


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