Generation Z trusts more in companies that they consider ethical and transparent – El Sol de México

Young people from generation Z, who are between 18 and 23 years old, trust more in labor matters in companies and organizations that they consider ethical and transparent.

According to Amitai’s Honesty Trends in Latin America 2023 study, this group was the one that showed the greatest interest in ethical practices, since one of the values ​​they most admire from their direct bosses is honesty, with 24 percent.

You can read: In Mexico, 7 out of 10 young people have difficulties finding a job

Fernando Sentíes Palacio, specialist in business ethics, CEO of Amitai Latin America said: “The honesty of the people that companies hire has a significant impact, since they are more productive, because they trust more between themselves and their supervisors.”

He said that in the current context 8 out of 10 employees belong to generation Y or Z, policies aimed at strengthening compliance, honesty and organizational ethics will have to consider this factor.

He highlighted that among the reasons for the increase in the perception of honesty among young people, technological adaptation stands out, as they are digital natives; the job uncertainty derived from the Covid-19 emergency as well as the importance they assign to sustainability and social responsibility within companies.

Among other findings, young people are the group that consumes the most drugs. However, Generation Z was the only one that registered a decrease greater than 10 percent in the average of the dimension on the use of substances in the period analyzed.

Conversely, significant changes were observed in dimensions such as substance use, respect for social order, and loyalty.

These changes may be related to factors such as the legalization of cannabis, the perception of loyalty of generation Z and the social transformations in the region.

Regarding the variations in specific dimensions, loyalty stands out. In this case, it was identified that all generations presented negative changes from 2022 vs. 2017.

However, the biggest decline was in Gen Z, who tend to have a more fluid and dynamic outlook, especially in terms of brands and employment.

Therefore, their loyalty to an employer can be influenced by development opportunities and a positive work environment.

From this analysis it is concluded that currently the levels of drug use are much higher compared to previous generations and that there is a “normalization” in relation to the use of this type of substance.

Regarding the variable on “respect for the social order”, it was observed that young people have a relevant role in terms of social participation, since they are a fundamental part of social mobilizations and protests in Latin America in recent years.

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This study on Honesty Trends in Latin America 2023, allows us to identify the variables and factors that influence this matter in the region, as well as to know what anti-productive behaviors prevail in each of the countries analyzed.

According to Fernando Sentíes Palacio, these elements help to understand the behavior of people as well as to map those actions of companies that affect such behavior.

2023-07-18 19:10:05
#Generation #trusts #companies #ethical #transparent #Sol #México


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