First MEAN WELL Cup Baseball Game Promotes Taiwan-US Cultural Exchange

First MEAN WELL Cup Baseball Game Promotes Taiwan-US Cultural Exchange

[The Epoch Times, July 10, 2023](Interview and report by Epoch Times reporter Li Yingying Sunnyvale) On July 8, the weather was sunny and clear, and Twin Creeks Sports Center (Twin Creeks) in Sunnyvale, South Bay Creeks Sports Complex), ushered in the first American “MEAN WELL Cup” baseball game, which was co-hosted by T-League and NCTB, which is famous for hosting baseball games in Northern California, in the name of the sponsor.

On the field that day, the atmosphere was lively, and there were bursts of shouts from the audience, cheering for the young players.

The T-League North American Taiwan First Class Baseball League invited the Xinpu Little League Team from New Taipei City, Taiwan to come to the Bay Area to compete with the local star teams. There are two days of competition on July 8th and 9th.

In order to promote sports and cultural exchanges between Taiwan and the United States, Mean Well and Ascend World Foundation are enthusiastic about public welfare and specially sponsored this event.

MEAN WELL is one of the few professional manufacturers in the world whose main business is standard power supplies. It is headquartered in Taiwan and has branches in the United States and Europe.

One of the organizers of the “First MEAN WELL Cup” is the T-League North American Taiwan League, the founders of Chen Wenzhe (Awen brother) (left) and Jiang Mingxian (right). (Li Yingying/The Epoch Times)

Leo Zhang, general manager of MEAN WELL North America Branch, lamented that sponsoring this Taiwan-US baseball exchange game is of great significance. “It will give Taiwan’s young athletes the opportunity to go abroad and let the world see Taiwan.”

He introduced that since MEAN WELL was founded, it has been adhering to the SDG concept of sustainable development and has carried out a series of charitable activities. Every year, the activities are rich and colorful, such as charity concerts and charity sales.

The dragon boat race held in Europe also promotes traditional Chinese culture. “We hope to give back to the society and contribute a little bit of our strength through the event.”

Cherene Wong, chairman of Ascend World Foundation, introduced that the foundation was established in the United States by two engineers, one from mainland China and one from Taiwan. To give back to the society, the purpose of setting up the foundation is to make some contributions to the exchange of Chinese and Western cultures and help the disadvantaged groups.

She said that she is very glad to have the opportunity to participate in this baseball exchange event. Through such activities, children can learn more about American culture.

At 10:15 in the morning, the young players took their positions. With Leo Zhang kicking off, the game officially kicked off. The players on both sides are teenagers in the fourth and fifth grades. They showed the essence of baseball in every run and swing. charm.

Xu Jiahong, the head coach of the baseball team of Xinpu Elementary School, said that when the young players first arrived in the Bay Area, they were very excited. It has been the 11th day, and the children began to feel homesick.

But in this match with many local star teams, everyone gained a lot. They not only learned baseball knowledge and game skills, but also learned about the cultural background of the United States.

On July 8, the “First MEAN WELL Cup” baseball game was held at the Twin Creeks Sports Complex in Sunnyvale, South Bay. (Li Yingying/The Epoch Times)

“This itinerary is very rich. Yesterday we visited the USS Hornet aircraft carrier. The children walked up and were surprised and excited.”

He believes that in terms of venues, the United States attaches great importance to the safety of players. The equipment and facilities and venues are very good. “The children have increased their self-confidence through learning in different environments. After returning to Taiwan, they will be more accurate and confident.”

Chen Wenzhe (Awen Ge), founder of the Taiwan First Class Baseball League in North America, said that the Perfect Game is a national game, and most of the top players in the United States are baptized in this game before moving towards professional baseball.

“This time, it is not easy to put our own name on it. We have been in the American third-division baseball for nearly two decades, which is unheard of. This milestone will push our interaction and integration with the mainstream of American baseball to a higher level. level, Go Taiwan!”◇

Responsible editor: Song Jiayi

2023-07-10 06:17:24
#Cup #kicked #Sunnyvale #Taiwan #League #team #attracted #attention #United #States #Baseball #South #Bay #Sunnyvale


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