Carolina Marín Triumphs in First Match of European Games Krakow 2023 Qualifiers


european games krakow 2023

The volante from Huelva beat the Swiss Jenjira Stadelmann in three sets in Krakow in her first qualifying group A match

His other two rivals in the group are the Slovakian Katarina Vargova and the Israeli Ksenia Polikarpova.

Carolina Marín has made her debut on the right foot at the European Games EP

Carolina Marín part with all the favoritisms to win the gold medal in the European Games that are celebrated in Cracovia (Polonia) and began to prove that this is a reality from day one with a competitive victory.

The athlete from Huelva began the dispute of group A of the competition with a duel with the Swiss midfielder Jenjira Stadelman which he solved not without difficulties. Marín prevailed in the first round by a clear 21-10 and in the second he tried to repeat the rhythm of execution but this time his rival presented more opposition, so much so that he managed to come back and take the partial victory by 19-21.

In the tiebreaker set, the Swiss remained firm to be up 4-1, but the Huelva player got serious to tie (4-4) and go into the break with an advantage (11-6). To avoid surprises, she closed the match with a new set in her favor, which she rounded off with a 21-13 score in her favour.

next rivals

In classification group A there are also the Israeli Ksenia Polikarpova and the Slovak Katarina Vargova, that were measured in this first day with victory for the first by a score of a double 21-17.

This Tuesday Carolina Marín will face Vargova and next Wednesday she will close the qualifying group against Polikarpova.

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2023-06-26 21:04:41
#Carolina #Marín #wins #competitive #duel #start #European #Games


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