Werder stagnates: “Then it’s difficult to develop”

1: 2 and 2: 3: SV Werder Bremen have repeatedly complained that they lost a game unnecessarily. Where the head coach sees an explanation.

Werder around coach Ole Werner recently suffered two defeats in a row.


Actually, Ole Werner thinks his team has played “really well” twice recently, against FC Augsburg and Bayer Leverkusen, “much better than in the weeks before”. Only: With 1: 2 a week ago and now 2: 3 last Sunday, both games in the Bundesliga were lost. “You’re without points,” said the Werder coach. “And that has something to do with how you resolve these game-changing situations.” Those scenes where it’s ultimately about goal and goal against, about making the right decision – and also about implementing it sensibly.

Werner repeatedly mentioned the word “quality” as crucial. Not in general, by denying this to his team. But in the respective situations that need to be recognized in order to steer the outcome of the game in your own direction. You just have to bring the quality to the pitch: “That was the difference,” Werner made clear – compared to Augsburg and Leverkusen, who were able to happily win their games against Bremen. “We’re stagnating at the moment,” said Werder’s head coach.

Development takes place in training

As an example, there were (at least) two scenes again against Leverkusen. For example, once defensively, when Jeremie Frimpong was not tackled decisively enough by three Werder professionals in the immediate vicinity before the goal to make it 2-1 in the penalty area. Once offensively, when Jens Stage tried to put the ball down in a promising position in the Leverkusen penalty area instead of accepting it – and completed it completely freely. “Orientation” was another key word that Werner mentioned in this situation, which could certainly be seen as criticism – “also a difference”.

As part of the explanation for Werder’s stagnation on the “game-changing things”, Werner – without wanting to use it as an excuse – also cited the current squad he has to make do with in training these days. That’s where the development of a team would take place, but due to increasing cases of illness (Bittencourt, Friedl, Groß, Schmid were missing against Leverkusen), the 34-year-old does not have only 14 or 15 players available for the first time, as he emphasized: “Then it’s it’s hard to develop.”

Werner: “We currently have that level once a week”

For the climber, it is essential as an “absolute basis” that the content that is required at the weekend is displayed during the week. That is currently not the case in the decimated squad constellation, Werner explained: “We currently have the level that we need in the game once a week – on the match day.” It is still questionable whether the situation will improve in the short week until Friday (8.30 p.m., LIVE! at kicker) when Werder open the 25th matchday in Gladbach.

Only Romano Schmid, who played a part in the replacement training on Monday, has the prospect of a return so far. Coach Werner explained that we still have to wait and see for captain Marco Friedl, Christian Groß and Leonardo Bittencourt.


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