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At Alexander Zverev, a lot is happening in his environment – also privately. In a new documentary, the German is now exceptionally open about his relationship with Sophia Thomalla and how the relationship changed him, especially during his injury break.

von tennisnet.com

last edited: 03/19/2023, 7:15 p.m


A look into Alexander Zverev’s box is very worthwhile this year. You see familiar faces, like his father for example. New faces like Tobias Kamke or his new fitness trainer Dalibor Sirola. Recently, however, one has searched in vain for Zverev’s girlfriend Sophia Thomalla. At the beginning of their relationship, Thomalla accompanied her boyfriend to many tournaments and kept her fingers crossed for him there. Both of them have also been without private turtle pictures on social media for weeks, which fueled rumors of a relationship.

A different kind of relationship

Zverev and flashlight celebrity Sophia Thomalla still seem to be a couple. But the couple has now revealed in a documentary how difficult it is to reconcile their two life plans. Presenter Thomalla speaks openly about her relationship with the tennis professional and summarizes her relationship with Zverev, who is eight years her junior, in the documentary “ZVEREV – Der Uncompletete”, which was published on RTL + on Sunday: “It’s not a romantic story.” And then tries to explain it: “There are two particularly blatant life models that meet.” Their two appointment calendars can hardly be compared.

The documentary also shows the couple on the edge of the tennis court when they train again for the first time after the compulsory break. This in turn gives him strength. “The injury changed me,” Alexander Zverev is certain. “She gave me a chance to realize there’s a lot more out there than tennis.” Sounds like both of them do well in certain phases, but the challenges for the relationship seem enormous.

It’s hard to imagine that when you look at the Zverev box, Ms. Thomalla will be seen more often in the near future.


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