High school students protest 01 Tapachula, high school students 1 denounce harassment – El Sol de México

Students who protested inside the High School One of Tapachula, Chiapas, they fear being expelled and losing their letter of good conduct for raising their voices denounce their aggressors on a clothesline.

The students demand that no reprisals be taken for denouncing the teachers, as well as students who violate, harass and assault women, and stress that the only thing they seek is gender equality.

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Teachers were threatened by the Mural of Shame

It was last Tuesday, March 7, when students from Tapachula High School 01 placed a “Mural of Shame” in the framework of International Women’s Day, on the outskirts of said institution, All this was done anonymously and with the aim of evidencing the violence experienced by teachers in this school.

The students pointed out that at first the mural was placed inside the school, but the director ordered it removed, so they chose to install it on the outside walls, to make it known to the public what happens inside the institution.

They accused that in High School Number One the directors and the teachers cover each other, since there have been complaints against the teachers for many years and nothing has happened.

They assured that as students they will not stop until the authorities in charge of doing justice punish their aggressors, because generations go by and they do nothing against the designated teachers, even the most respected teachers are involved. The young women did not expect sexual assault or misogynistic words from him, however, no one stops all men who violate women, they warned.

They indicated that even the most respected teachers and that they did not expect sexual assault or misogynistic words did so, however, no one puts a stop to all men who violate women.

In response to the mural, parents began to gather on the outskirts of the institution and ask the directors for answers, since the students made it known that they were not being taught and were not allowed to leave the school either, for this reason, they are asking that the teachers face them and tell them what is happening, since some semesters suspended classes.

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Finally, the students said that the teachers started an “internal war” since they began to criticize the students, calling them crazy and hysterical, and in response, they will continue to protest and point out the bullies.

Note published in Southern Journal


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