Flagnac. 73 children at the URSL internship

The Rives du Lot Sports Union organized its football camp. 73 children, from the U9 to U17 categories played football and spent educational, sporting and friendly moments over a period of 4 days. This second edition was a real success, with 15 more children. This testifies to a real expectation on the part of young people and parents in the area.

Once again, the municipalities have made their facilities available, whether stadiums or gymnasiums (Almont-les-Junies, Boisse-Penchot, Firmi, Flagnac, Livinhac-le-Haut, Montredon, Port d’Agrès, Rignac and Saint-Santin who are thanked here).

Fun and educational!

On the strength of a first experience, Yazide Hattoum at the head of this organization and the educational team accompanied by the office of the football school with the president Yannick Lombart have integrated new features this year. The participation of a dietician or a physiotherapist marked the minds of the youngest (discussion time on the importance of nutrition for an athlete and the physical preparation of the body, stretching, warm-ups, etc.). However, the training phases constituted a large part of the 4 days, thanks to the participation of 10 educators from the school as well as outside educators. A time for homework help was also maintained, with the support of school teachers and student volunteers. Like 2022, an educational and cohesion day took place: paintball for the U15s and U17s, archery for the U11s and U13s, laser-game for the U9s.

Each child received a full football kit. The course ended with a football session while walking, with 60 participants, parents against children, followed by a dinner aperitif offered to children, parents, volunteers, municipalities and sponsors in the village hall of Port d’Agrès. Throughout the course, a team of volunteers and improvised parent waiters allowed everyone to eat well.

Special mention to the trio of cooks Alain Poujade, Jean-François Rubira and Serge Bultel. The financial support of the sponsors is essential, constituting the base. Christophe Laudebat and Valérie Calmettes, in charge of the sponsors commission, in agreement thank the sponsors.


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