Soon on Canvas: “It won’t be written on my grave that I didn’t win the Tour” | cycling

Soon on Canvas: “It won’t be written on my grave that I didn’t win the Tour” |  cycling

Straightforward and always himself. You love him or you hate him, but Patrick Lefevere leaves no one unmoved.

The start of the cycling spring is the ideal time to get to know the man who has been one of the most important and influential figures in Belgian cycling for 30 years.

Remco Evenepoel, Tom Boonen, Julian Alaphilippe, Yvan Van Mol, Wouter Vandenhaute, Richard Virenque, but also his own sons and sister testify about the tireless man with an opinion, Patrick Lefevere.

“When I die, it won’t say on my tombstone: “he didn’t win the Tour”.

From 8 March you can see the six-part series on Canvas and VRT MAX.


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