Millionaires and U. Católica were sleeping pills? Networks explode with memes

Yes, there was a desire to make fun of the party. The uniform and the way of playing without auctions are a trend.

Millonarios traveled to Ecuador to face a Catholic University of Quito in search of a good result to direct the series to define it in Bogotá with the fans and at home. The fans were accompanying in Quito, but the game became increasingly weak both for the local team and for the ambassador team. The albiazules forwards had little arrival, in this case oranges to score goals. A complicated commitment journey that did not generate many emotions.

Contrary to offering a good game, at a general level the two clubs had few scoring options, but Católica was able to take the game with a shot on the post. Thus, the mockery covered the meeting with several mockery, especially for the sleeping pill that caused more than one yawn in networks.


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